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Bliss Tweed Mill Strike, 1913-14

Bliss Tweed Mill Strike, 1913-14


  Eighteenth of December 2013 marks the one hundredth anniversary of the commencement of the Bliss Tweed Mill strike …

Bodies and Barriers: Queer Activists on Health

Bodies and Barriers: Queer Activists on Health


" LGBT people pervasively experience health disparities, affecting every part of their bodies and lives. Yet many are stil…

Bohemians: A Graphic History

Bohemians: A Graphic History


"The countercultures that came to define bohemia spanned the Atlantic, encompassing Walt Whitman's Brooklyn and the Folies…




Debut book from Hoboken based writer/musician Tricia Warden. Savagely honest and darkly humorous collection from a strong …

Bread And Roses: Gender and Class Under Capitalism

Bread And Roses: Gender and Class Under Capitalism


Is it possible to develop a radical socialist feminism that fights for the emancipation of women and of all humankind? T…

Breaking the MANacles: An Anti-Patriarchy Reader

Breaking the MANacles: An Anti-Patriarchy Reader


Pamphlet "made especially - but not means exclusively - for those socialized as men".  Short pieces by Dan Spalding, Chris C…

Breaking the Walls of Silence: AIDS and Women in a New York State Maximum-Security Prison

Breaking the Walls of Silence: AIDS and Women in a New York State Maximum-Security Prison


The statistics are staggering: 20 percent of all women coming into the New York State prison system either have AIDS or ar…

Breaking Their Chains

Breaking Their Chains


Small format book on Mary Macarthur and the Chainmakers' Strike of 1910, published by Bookmarks.  

Bridal Gown Shroud

Bridal Gown Shroud


Essays, prose-poems and stories. Only one copy, and it's a bit shelf-worn.

Bristol Independent Labour Party: Men, Women and the Opposition to War

Bristol Independent Labour Party: Men, Women and the Opposition to War


During World War One a significant minority of women and men throughout the country took part in a peace movement. They de…

Buffy The Anarcho-Syndicalist

Buffy The Anarcho-Syndicalist


New and expanded vesion of this classic bit of detourning... Published, 2016.

Building Free Life: Conversations with Ocalan

Building Free Life: Conversations with Ocalan


"From Socrates to Antonio Gramsci, imprisoned philosophers have marked the history of thought and changed how we view power a…

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