Sixteen authors share their thoughts on the ongoing revolution in Rojava.
Contents include:
"Hope in Rojava," David Levi Strauss
"Syria’s Kurdish Revolution: The Anarchist Element and the Challenge of Solidarity," Bill Weinberg
"Why Is the World Ignoring the Revolutionary Kurds in Syria?" David Graeber
"No. This Is a Genuine Revolution," David Graeber & Pinar Öğünç
"Abdullah Öcalan," Peter Lamborn Wilson
Öcalan’s Angels," Newsha Tavakolian
"No Miracles at Work," Havin Güneşer
"A Revolution of Life," Saleh Muslim & Jonas Staal
"Woman fighters of the YPJ," Murat Bay
"The World’s First Army of Women," Evren Kocabiçak
"Two Excerpts from 'Liberating Life: Women’s Revolution'," Abdullah Öcalan
"New Wars and Autonomous Self-Defense in Kurdistan," Nazan Üstündağ
Dispatches From Rojava," El Errante / Paul Z. Simons
Rojava: To Dare Imagining," Dilar Dirik
"The Mastery of Non-Mastery," Michael Taussig
Edited by Dilar Dirik, David Levi Strauss, Michael Taussig, and Peter Lamborn Wilson. Autonomedia, 2016.
Product Code: 9781570273124