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The Fear Of Being Seen as White Losers: White working-class masculinities and the killing of Stephen Lawrence


Manufacturer: Five Leaves Publications

Product Information

"Using the police surveillance video transcript and the Martin Bashir interview with the suspects on Tonight, David Jackson interprets how the prime suspects in the Stephen Lawrence murder case make sense of their inner and outer worlds, in their own terms. It draws attention to their concealed fears of being seen as white “losers”. In terms of jobs, income, reputation and style, the suspects’ lives are often characterised by uncertainty and anxiety that are covered up by “brave” performances. They also possess fantasised perceptions of being ruined or usurped by a young, masculine, black presence.

Jackson concludes by arguing that the killing of Stephen Lawrence might be construed as a defensive bid to counter the imaginary threat of a black menace."

It's a slim paperback or a well-produced pamphlet, depending how you look at it.

Published by Five Leaves as part of their Occasional Papers series (this is #11), 2018.

Product Code: 9781910170540

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