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Poetry, Music, & Art

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Cyber-Sadism Live!

Cyber-Sadism Live!


Spoken word CD featuring highlights from four different live performances by (mainly) Stewart Home, with guest performance…

Datacide # 13

Datacide # 13


New edition of Datacide: Magazine for Noise & Politics. News, features, fiction and reviews. Includes a review of rece…

Datacide 11

Datacide 11


Issue 11 of Datacide magazine, on politics and techno culture.

Datacide 15

Datacide 15


Issue #15 of Daticide: The Magazine for Noise & Politics. Contents list below, as ever a wide range of culture and politic…

Datacide 16

Datacide 16


New for summer 2017, this issue of Datacide - Magazine for Noise & Politics: contents listed below. News & Updates T…

Datacide 9

Datacide 9


Newly laid-out 2014 reprint of the popular ninth issue of Datacide: the magazine for noize & politics (originally publishe…

Directions to the Outskirts of Town: Punk Rock Tour Diaries from Nineties North America

Directions to the Outskirts of Town: Punk Rock Tour Diaries from Nineties North America


"In 1994 punk rock fanzine writer Welly Artcore jumped in the van with legendary British punk band CHAOS U.K. for a two month…

Disaster and Resistance: Comics and Landscapes for the 21st Century

Disaster and Resistance: Comics and Landscapes for the 21st Century


Disaster and Resistance outlines pressing social and political struggles at the dawn of the twenty-first century – from …

Disrupting Business: Art and Activism in Times of Financial Crisis

Disrupting Business: Art and Activism in Times of Financial Crisis


"Explores some of the interconnections between art, activism and the business concept of disruptive innovation. With a bac…

DIY or Die! Do-it-Yourself, Do It Together & Punk Anarchism

DIY or Die! Do-it-Yourself, Do It Together & Punk Anarchism


Giant tome (534 pages!) published by Active Distribution, 2024.  The phrase ‘do-it-yourself’, often bandied about in…

Domesticated Vol. 1

Domesticated Vol. 1


"In this often witty, sometimes furious, and sometimes downright surreal collection, James Domestic does - as per usual - wha…

Don't Network: The Avant Garde After Networks

Don't Network: The Avant Garde After Networks


"Explores the nature of avant garde art within contemporary capitalism There is something rotten about network society. Al…

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