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Poetry, Music, & Art

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What is Anarchism?: An Introduction

What is Anarchism?: An Introduction


'Anarchists believe that the point of society is to widen the choices of individuals. Anarchism is opposed to states, armies,…

What Is Anarchist Music?

What Is Anarchist Music?


A pocketbook (A6 size) discussion of the nature of anarchist music with an academic slant.  This book lays out an evaluat…

William Morris and the Instinct for Freedom

William Morris and the Instinct for Freedom


"a transhistorical approach presenting Morris's libertarian politics through exploring his intellectual and cultural heritage…

Working-Class Heroes: A History of Struggle in Song - A Songbook

Working-Class Heroes: A History of Struggle in Song - A Songbook


"Working-Class Heroes is an organic melding of history, music, and politics that demonstrates with remarkably colorful eviden…

World War 3 Illustrated 1979-2014

World War 3 Illustrated 1979-2014


Founded in 1979, World War 3 Illustrated is a labour of love run by a collective or artists and political activists working…

X: Straight Edge and Radical Sobriety

X: Straight Edge and Radical Sobriety


"Straight edge — hardcore punk’s drug-free offshoot — has thrived as a subculture since the early 1980s. Its influence …

You're Already Dead

You're Already Dead


New edition of this classic Crass essay, now in a dinky A6 small booklet format. Pocket-size anarcho-punk. Publlished by A…

Zapantera Negra: An Artistic Encounter between Black Panthers and Zapatistas

Zapantera Negra: An Artistic Encounter between Black Panthers and Zapatistas


What is the role of revolutionary art in times of distress? When Emory Douglas, former Minister of Culture of the Black Pa…

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