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No Person Is Illegal flag

No Person Is Illegal flag


Black flag with green decoration saying 'No Person Is Illegal'. 5 feet by 3 feet (152x91cm), with two brass grommets and s…

One Big Union IWW enamel badge

One Big Union IWW enamel badge


3cm by 2cm enamel badge featuring a classic IWW poster, reading 'One Big Union' / 'We Want the Earth' / 'IWW Universal'. Redd…

Peter Kropotkin badge

Peter Kropotkin badge


Portrait badge of Peter Kropotkin, featuring historical anarchism's most luscious beard. Enamel, 32mm circular badge. …

Question Authority (badge)

Question Authority (badge)


Various colours.

Red clenched fist pin

Red clenched fist pin


Red enamel clenched fist pin with a circle A. Size is roughly 2cm tall by 1.5cm wide, around the same size a normal button ba…

Resist badge

Resist badge


Circular, 25mm badge; design as pictured, comes with various paper colours.

YPG enamel badge

YPG enamel badge


20mm x 32mm enamel badge in the shape of the flag of the YPG, the people's defence force of Rojava.

YPJ enamel badge

YPJ enamel badge


20mm x 32mm enamel badge in the shape of the flag of the YPJ, the all-female people's defence force of Rojava.

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