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Look Inside Conversations on Violence An Anthology

 Look Inside Conversations on Violence An Anthology


"Whether physical or metaphorical, institutional or interpersonal, violence is everywhere. A seemingly immutable fact of life…

Set the Night on Fire: L.A. in the Sixties

 Set the Night on Fire: L.A. in the Sixties


"Histories of the US sixties invariably focus on New York City, but Los Angeles was an epicenter of that decade’s political…




Two essays: "Further Materials Toward a Theory of the Man-Child", Moira Weigel and Mal Ahern's scathing (and humorous) critiq…

1919: A Graphic History of the Winnipeg General Strike

1919: A Graphic History of the Winnipeg General Strike


"In May and June 1919, more than 30,000 workers walked off the job in Winnipeg, Manitoba. They struck for a variety of reason…

33 Lessons on Capital Reading Marx Politically

33 Lessons on Capital Reading Marx Politically


"Harry Cleaver's treatise outlines and critiques Marx's analysis chapter by chapter. His unique interpretation of Marx's labo…

A Century of State Murder - Death and Policy in Twentieth Century Russia

A Century of State Murder - Death and Policy in Twentieth Century Russia


"Combing exhaustive demographic inquiry with incisive social and political analysis, the authors record the successive pha…

A Colossal Wreck: A Road Trip through Political Scandal, Corruption and American Culture

A Colossal Wreck: A Road Trip through Political Scandal, Corruption and American Culture


'Alexander Cockburn was without question one of the most gifted journalists of his generation. He never pulled his punches…

A Critique of State Socialism

A Critique of State Socialism


A4 sized graphic depiction of Bakunin's argument against state socialism, based on a somewhat editied version of an essay …

A Decolonial Feminism

A Decolonial Feminism


"For too long feminism has been co-opted by the forces they seek to dismantle. In this powerful manifesto, Francoise Verges a…

A Defence of Anarchist Communism

A Defence of Anarchist Communism


Pocket book sized writing from Brian Morris, "delving into the philosophy and action of anarchist communism as part of his de…

A Letter To My Children And The Children Of The World To Come

A Letter To My Children And The Children Of The World To Come


"Written some thirty-five years after the May “events,” this short book poses the question of what kind of world we are g…

A New Notion: Two Works by C. L. R. James

A New Notion: Two Works by C. L. R. James


"C.L.R. James was a leading figure in the independence movement in the West Indies, and the black and working-class moveme…

A New World In Our Hearts: 8 Years of Writings from the Love and Rage Revolutionary Anarchist Federation

A New World In Our Hearts: 8 Years of Writings from the Love and Rage Revolutionary Anarchist Federation


The Love and Rage Federation was perhaps the most visible revolutionary anarchist organization in North America in the las…

A Theory of Capitalist Regulation: The US Experience

A Theory of Capitalist Regulation: The US Experience


The first attempt at a rigorous historical theory of the whole development of US capitalism, from the Civil War to the Car…

Academic Repression: Reflections from the Academic Industrial Complex

Academic Repression: Reflections from the Academic Industrial Complex


Since 9/11, successive American administrations have pressured universities to hand over faculty, staff, and student work …

Accuser of Capitalism

Accuser of Capitalism


A new production of John Maclean's famous speech from the dock in Edinburgh High Court - Accuser of Capitalism. This edition …

Adventures in Marxism

Adventures in Marxism


 "Discussions of work on Marx and Marxism by Edmund Wilson, Jerrold Siegel, James Billington, Georg Lukcs, Irving Howe an…

Anarchism and Political Modernity

Anarchism and Political Modernity


"This new volume in the Contemporary Anarchist Studies series looks at the place of 'classical anarchism' in postmodern po…

Anarchism, Marxism and the Future of the Left

Anarchism, Marxism and the Future of the Left


The late Murray Bookchin was a dynamic revolutionary propagandist since the 1930s when, as a teenager, he spoke before social…

Anarchism, Marxism and the Lessons of the Commune

Anarchism, Marxism and the Lessons of the Commune


The Paris Commune is a significant influence for all revolutionary socialists, anarchists as well as Marxists. Using a Lenini…

Anarchism: Arguments For And Against

Anarchism: Arguments For And Against


Reprint of one of our old booklets (and before that, Cienfuegos Press): a small format book of a piece written by Albert Melt…

Anarchist Encounters : Russian Revolution

Anarchist Encounters : Russian Revolution


Edited by A W Zurbrugg, this collection includes newly translated pieces by Armando Borghi, Gaston Leval, Ángel Pestaña Nú…

Anarchist Perspectives in Peace and War 1900-1918

Anarchist Perspectives in Peace and War 1900-1918


"Anarchists and syndicalists were centre stage in the history of labour movements in much of 'Latin' Europe and in most of La…

Anarchists, Syndicalists and the First World War

Anarchists, Syndicalists and the First World War


"The First World War was a painful ordeal for anarchists and revolutionary syndicalists. Preventing its onset, as they had pl…

Anti-Bolshevik Communism

Anti-Bolshevik Communism


Communism aims at putting working people in charge of their lives. A multiplicity of Councils, rather than a big state bur…




Pocketbook size, this is a neat art and text combination arguing with all the poeple who agree that capitalism encourages cor…

Antifa Comic Book

Antifa Comic Book


"The shocking images of neo-Nazis marching in Charlottesville, Virginia, in the summer of 2017 linger, but so do those of the…

Antifascism, Sports, Sobriety: Forging a Militant Working-Class Culture

Antifascism, Sports, Sobriety: Forging a Militant Working-Class Culture


Selected Writings by Julius Deutsch "The Austromarxists tried to carve out a road between reformism and Bolshevism, creati…

Appel Call

Appel Call


New printing of The Call, a pamphlet from the underground with an explanatory tag line "On the one hand, we want to live com…

Are We Prisoners of Our Genes?

Are We Prisoners of Our Genes?


A socialist critique of genetic determinism and a determined re-statement of the belief that 'human nature' is no barrier …

Arm the Spirit: A Woman's Journey Underground and Back

Arm the Spirit: A Woman's Journey Underground and Back


 In June 1985, Diana Block, her two-week-old son, and five companions fled Los Angeles after finding a surveillance devic…

Asia's Unknown Uprisings, Volume 2: People Power in the Philippines, Burma, Tibet, China, Taiwan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Thailand, and Indonesia, 1947–2009

Asia's Unknown Uprisings, Volume 2: People Power in the Philippines, Burma, Tibet, China, Taiwan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Thailand, and Indonesia, 1947–2009


Ten years in the making, this magisterial work—the second in a two-volume study—provides a unique perspective on uprising…

Aufheben # 15 - 2007

Aufheben # 15 - 2007


Edition (2007) of autonomist magazine from the Brighton posse containing articles on 'Lebanon, Iran and the "Long War' in …

Aufheben #13

Aufheben #13


In depth theoretical articles on housing and on Leopoldina Fortunati's Arcane of Reproduction, discussing the value of wor…

Aufheben #17 - 2009

Aufheben #17 - 2009


New Labour and the 'muslim community'; Al-Sadr and resistance in Iraq; Capitalism and spectacle; Direct action in the 1990…

Aufheben #20 - 2011

Aufheben #20 - 2011


Articles on Communities, commodities class: The August Riots; Driving the NHS to market; Going Underground: tube workers' …

Aufheben 14 - 2006

Aufheben 14 - 2006


Lead articles on China, the G8 at Gleneagles, Marx and Negri.

Aufheben 18 - 2010 issue

Aufheben 18 - 2010 issue


 Venerable Marxist theoretical magazine from Brighton. Part 1 of an analysis of the financial crisis; recession struggles…

Bakunin: Selected Texts 1868-1875

Bakunin: Selected Texts 1868-1875


Under Merlin Press' Anarres Editions imprint, a new collection of Bakunin's writing, edited and translated by A W Zurbrugg. 2…

BAMN #1 An Unofficial Magazine of Plan C

BAMN #1 An Unofficial Magazine of Plan C


First issue of a newspaper from the Plan C group, with essays on Consent, ACT UP Paris, populism, conspiracy and organisat…

Beasts of Burden: Capitalism, Animals and Communism

Beasts of Burden: Capitalism, Animals and Communism


Beasts of Burden was first published in October 1999. The aim of the anonymous pamphlet was to initiate a debate between anim…

Between Earth and Empire: From the Necrocene to the Beloved Community

Between Earth and Empire: From the Necrocene to the Beloved Community


"Between Earth and Empire focuses on the crucial position of humanity at the present moment in Earth history. We are now in t…

Between Existentialism and Marxism

Between Existentialism and Marxism


 "This book presents a full decade of Sartre’s work, from the publication of theCritique of Dialectical Reason in 1960, t…

Between the Bullet and the Lie: Essays on Orwell

Between the Bullet and the Lie: Essays on Orwell


Old debates about democracy vs. socialism vs. fascism are back. Missing from today’s versions are the voices of moral clari…

Beware of Vegetarian Sharks

Beware of Vegetarian Sharks


 Collection of essays from former lecturer Richard Greeman - a critique of capitalism from a Marxist perspective, with es…

Beyond Crisis: After the Collapse of Institutional Hope in Greece, What?

Beyond Crisis: After the Collapse of Institutional Hope in Greece, What?


"The government led by Syriza in Greece, elected in January 2015, at first seemed to be the most radical European government …

Beyond Elections: Redefining Democracy in the Americas

Beyond Elections: Redefining Democracy in the Americas


"What is democracy? Freedom, equality, participation? Everyone has his or her own definition. Across the world, 120 countr…

Beyond Kronstadt:

Beyond Kronstadt:


An understanding of the Russian revolution is vital for any understanding of where the left failed in the 20th century, ye…

Beyond the Periphery of the Skin: Rethinking, Remaking, and Reclaiming the Body in Contemporary Capitalism

Beyond the Periphery of the Skin: Rethinking, Remaking, and Reclaiming the Body in Contemporary Capitalism


"More than ever, “the body” is today at the center of radical and institutional politics. Feminist, antiracist, trans, ec…

Birth of Our Power

Birth of Our Power


'Birth of Our Power is an epic novel set in Spain, France, and Russia during the heady revolutionary years 1917-1919. Serge's…

Birth Strike: The Hidden Fight over Women’s Work

Birth Strike: The Hidden Fight over Women’s Work


Analysis of the relationship between national economics and the largely unpaid labour of women. "When House Speaker Paul …

Black Flag #233 - Mid 2011

Black Flag #233 - Mid 2011


 Articles on the lessons to be learned from big rallies and the debate over anti-cuts tactics; the economy; the Red Flag:…

Black Flag 234 - Late 2011

Black Flag 234 - Late 2011


Leading with the anti-cuts protests, followed by pieces on Anarchists in the London Riots; Spain's Indignados; Healthcare …

Black Liberation and Palestine Solidarity

Black Liberation and Palestine Solidarity


Out of stock

Among other topics and controversies, these essays provide independent analysis of Stokely Carmichael, James Forman, the Blac…

Black Liberation and the American Dream: The Struggle for Radical and Economic Justice

Black Liberation and the American Dream: The Struggle for Radical and Economic Justice


"Considering the connections between class and racial oppression, and the often marginalized role of the Left in antiracist s…

Black Women Organising

Black Women Organising


The Brixton Black Women’s Group, founded in 1973, emerged among women who had been active in the Black Power movement in Lo…

Bloodstained: One Hundred Years of Leninist Counterrevolution

Bloodstained: One Hundred Years of Leninist Counterrevolution


On the centenary of the 1917 Russian Revolution, paeans to the conquering Bolsheviks will be sung. But why? Why do so many Ma…

Bolshevism: Promises and Reality

Bolshevism: Promises and Reality


A reprint of this seminal text. A stunning critique of Bolshevism, from one who was there.  Published by E G Smith Pr…

Bookchin: A Critical Appraisal

Bookchin: A Critical Appraisal


 "Offering a clear account of Bookchin's key themes, this book provides a critical but sympathetic account of the strengt…

Bread And Roses: Gender and Class Under Capitalism

Bread And Roses: Gender and Class Under Capitalism


Is it possible to develop a radical socialist feminism that fights for the emancipation of women and of all humankind? T…

Breaking Things at Work: The Luddites Are Right About Why You Hate Your Job

Breaking Things at Work: The Luddites Are Right About Why You Hate Your Job


"In the nineteenth century, English textile workers responded to the introduction of new technologies on the factory floor by…

Bristol Independent Labour Party: Men, Women and the Opposition to War

Bristol Independent Labour Party: Men, Women and the Opposition to War


During World War One a significant minority of women and men throughout the country took part in a peace movement. They de…

Building Free Life: Conversations with Ocalan

Building Free Life: Conversations with Ocalan


"From Socrates to Antonio Gramsci, imprisoned philosophers have marked the history of thought and changed how we view power a…

Burglar for Peace: Lessons Learned in the Catholic Left’s Resistance to the Vietnam War

Burglar for Peace: Lessons Learned in the Catholic Left’s Resistance to the Vietnam War


"With an overview of the broader draft resistance movement, Burglar for Peace is an exploration of the sweeping landscape of …

C.L.R. James: The Artist as Revolutionary

C.L.R. James: The Artist as Revolutionary


'C.L.R. James was a man of prodigious and varied accomplishments. He was a protean twentieth-century Marxist intellectual,…

Can The Working Class Change The World?

Can The Working Class Change The World?


"One of the horrors of the capitalist system is that slave labor, which was central to the formation and growth of capitalism…

Capital And Its Discontents: Conversations With Radical Thinkers In A Time Of Tumult

Capital And Its Discontents: Conversations With Radical Thinkers In A Time Of Tumult


"Capitalism is stumbling, empire is faltering, and the planet is thawing. Yet many people are still grasping to understand…

Capital Is Dead - Is This Something Worse?

Capital Is Dead - Is This Something Worse?


Author "McKenzie Wark argues that information has empowered a new kind of ruling class. Through the ownership and control of …

Capital: Volume 1

Capital: Volume 1


Marx's devastating critique of bourgeois economics, and his exposé of capitalist social relations of exploitation and class …

Capitalism & Other Kids Stuff

Capitalism & Other Kids Stuff


Capitalism and Other Kids' Stuff is a DVD from the Socialist Party of Great Britain which asks us to take a fresh look at…

Capitalist Globalization: Consequences, Resistance, and Alternatives

Capitalist Globalization: Consequences, Resistance, and Alternatives


Author Martin Hart-Landsberg - a Professor of Economics - examines the historical record of globalization and restores age…

Catechism of the Revolutionist A6

Catechism of the Revolutionist A6


New small format edition of this classic bit of polemic from Sergei Nechayev, from Active Distribution, 2020.

Catechism of the Revolutionistist

Catechism of the Revolutionistist


'The revolutionary is a dedicated man. He has no interests of his own, no affairs, no feelings, no attachments, no belongi…

Change the World Without Taking Power: The Meaning of Revolution Today

Change the World Without Taking Power: The Meaning of Revolution Today


New edition of John Holloway's fusing of political philosophy and activism, asking how we can reformulate our understandin…

Change the World Without Taking Power: The Meaning of Revolution Today

Change the World Without Taking Power: The Meaning of Revolution Today


"After a century of failed attempts by radical projects, the concept of revolution itself is in crisis. By asking the deepest…

Changing Venezuela By Taking Power

Changing Venezuela By Taking Power


Since coming to power in 1998, the Chavez government has inspired both fierce internal debate and horror amongst Western gove…

Chican@ Power and the Struggle for Aztlán

Chican@ Power and the Struggle for Aztlán


"From the Amerikan invasion and theft of Mexican lands, to present day migrants risking their lives to cross the U.$. bord…

Chipike - The Communist Pipsqueak

Chipike - The Communist Pipsqueak


Small format booklet from Stortebeker Press, 2024.  Originally a brochure by Pagini Libere of Romania (2018). Detourned a…

Chuang Issue 2: Frontiers

Chuang Issue 2: Frontiers


New book from Chuang is now in stock: Social Contagion. ** Plese note that it costs £23.00 to send this airmail to the US…

Class Cleansing: The Massacre at Katyn

Class Cleansing: The Massacre at Katyn


Revisiting the events of the 1940 Katyn Massacre, in which some 25,000 Polish prisoners of war were shot by the Soviet sec…

Class Cohesion versus Spurious Patriotism

Class Cohesion versus Spurious Patriotism


A Straight Talk to British Workers by FRED BRAMLEY, Organiser, National Amalgamated Furnishing Trades Association In 1…

Class Power on Zero-Hours

Class Power on Zero-Hours


"AngryWorkers, a small political collective, have spent six years organising in London's industrial backyard, mainly in the f…

Class Struggle in a German Town

Class Struggle in a German Town


Interesting autonomist analysis of nuclear power, viewed as Capital's attempt to recompose class relations to its advantag…

Class, Nation and Identitiy: The Anthropology of Political Movements

Class, Nation and Identitiy: The Anthropology of Political Movements


Argues for the need to set up a new analytical framework that extends the study of identity formation, and the ethnographi…

Common Preservation In a Time of Mutual Destruction

Common Preservation In a Time of Mutual Destruction


"As world leaders eschew cooperation to address climate change, nuclear proliferation, economic meltdown, and other threats t…

Common Sense # 15

Common Sense # 15


Journal of the Edinburgh Conference of Social Economists. This issue includes: Harry Cleaver on 'The Chiapas Uprising …

Common Sense # 19

Common Sense # 19


Journal of the Edinburgh Conference of Social Economists. This issue includes: Drew Milne on 'Marxist Literary Theory …

Common Sense # 23

Common Sense # 23


Journal of the Edinburgh Conference of Social Economists. This issue includes: Alfred Mendes on 'The Gulf Crisis Re-ex…

Communization and its Discontents

Communization and its Discontents


 "Can we find alternatives to the failed radical projects of the twentieth century? What are the possible forms of strugg…

Compendium of Karl Marx's Capital

Compendium of Karl Marx's Capital


"Capital, Marx’s epic work, describes in detail the capitalist system and how it functions. The anarchist Mikhail Bakunin s…

Conflict: Journeys Through War and Terror in Southeast Asia

Conflict: Journeys Through War and Terror in Southeast Asia


Author Nelson Rand travelled in Cambodia, Burma, Laos, Vietnam and Thailand meeting and living with local people, guerilla…

Constructive Anarchism

Constructive Anarchism


"Just Books Publishing has produced this edition of Gregori Petrovich Maximoff’s Constructive Anarchism to mark the 100th y…

Continental Crucible: Big Business, Workers and Unions in the Transformation of North America, Second Edition

Continental Crucible: Big Business, Workers and Unions in the Transformation of North America, Second Edition


"The crucible of North American neoliberal transformation is heating up, but its outcome is far from clear. Continental Cruci…

Contract & Contagion: From Biopolitics to Oikonomia

Contract & Contagion: From Biopolitics to Oikonomia


"Contract and Contagion presents a theoretical approach for understanding the complex shifts of post-Fordism and neoliber…

Creating a Movement With Teeth: A Documentary History of the George Jackson Brigade

Creating a Movement With Teeth: A Documentary History of the George Jackson Brigade


"Bursting into existence in the Pacific Northwest in 1975, the George Jackson Brigade claimed 14 pipe bombings against cor…

Creating Insecurity

Creating Insecurity


DATA Browser 4 from Autonomedia.  "Today we are facing extreme and most dangerous developments in the thought of sec…

Cuba ’62: Preludes to a World Crisis

Cuba ’62: Preludes to a World Crisis


The thirteen-day stand-off between the US and USSR in October 1962 was the most dangerous period of the Cold War. Richar…

Dancing With Dynamite: Social Movements and States in Latin America

Dancing With Dynamite: Social Movements and States in Latin America


Grassroots social movements played a major role in electing new left-leaning governments throughout Latin America, but sub…

Democracy, direct action and socialism: A debate on fundamentals

Democracy, direct action and socialism: A debate on fundamentals


Collection of short pieces by Michael Foot and Sean Matgamna: discussion between two different parts of the left, around the …

Democratic Autonomy in North Kurdistan - A Reconnaissance into Southeastern Turkey

Democratic Autonomy in North Kurdistan - A Reconnaissance into Southeastern Turkey


"The Council Movement, Gender Liberation, and Ecology - in Practice" In order to find a peaceful solution to the Kurdish q…

Direct Action # 41 - Spring 2008

Direct Action # 41 - Spring 2008


With articles on the IWA, NHS, Respect, Situationism and Supermarkets.

Direct Struggle Against Capital: A Peter Kropotkin Anthology

Direct Struggle Against Capital: A Peter Kropotkin Anthology


And what an anthology! This is a massive collection.   Peter Kropotkin is by far anarchism’s most influential t…

Dirty Secrets: How Tax Havens Destroy the Economy

Dirty Secrets: How Tax Havens Destroy the Economy


"The Panama Papers were a reminder of how the superrich are allowed to hide their wealth from the rest of us. Dirty Secrets u…

Dirty Truths

Dirty Truths


Eye-opening and entertaining collection of essays - investigates media and culture, conspiracy and state power, ideology a…

Divide and Conquer or Divide and Subdivide? How Not to Refight the First International

Divide and Conquer or Divide and Subdivide? How Not to Refight the First International


"The battles between Michael Bakunin and Karl Marx in the First International (aka the International Working Men's Associatio…

Divided World, Divided Class: Global Political Economy and the Stratification of Labour Under Capialism

Divided World, Divided Class: Global Political Economy and the Stratification of Labour Under Capialism


"Divided World Divided Class charts the history of the ‘labour aristocracy’ in the capitalist world system, from its root…

Don't Mourn, Balkanize! Essays After Yugoslavia

Don't Mourn, Balkanize! Essays After Yugoslavia


 "Don't Mourn, Balkanize! Is the first book written from the radical left perspective on the topic of Yugoslav space after …

Down With the Red Bourgeoisie of Yugoslavia

Down With the Red Bourgeoisie of Yugoslavia


Pamphlet giving and analysis of the June Students Insurrection in Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

Echanges 72/73

Echanges 72/73


Nr 1-2/93 Bulletin of the Network Echange et Mouvement (in English). Short pieces, international in aproach - full content…

Echanges 74/75

Echanges 74/75


From 1994, Bulletin of the Echanges et Mouvement Network (wriitten in English). Contents list is on the front cover pi…

Echanges 76/77

Echanges 76/77


No.2-3/94, Bulletin of the network Echanges et Mouvement.  Writing on The Post-Thatcher Period; What is 'Solidarismo'?; E…

Eclipse and Re-Emergence of the Communist Movement

Eclipse and Re-Emergence of the Communist Movement


This book is a revised edition of the one previously published by Black & Red. Gilles Dauvé has previously written under …

Eclipse and Re-emergence of the Communist Movement

Eclipse and Re-emergence of the Communist Movement


New edition, with an essay by François Martin. "In the years following 1968, a number of people involved in the most radi…

Economic Crisis And Crisis Theory

Economic Crisis And Crisis Theory


Paul Mattick's clear exploration and explanation of conventional and marxist theories of capitalist crises highlights the ban…

Economics After Capitalism: A Guide to the Ruins and a Road to the Future

Economics After Capitalism: A Guide to the Ruins and a Road to the Future


"Challenging the arguments for mainstream economics, Derek Wall provides a step-by-step guide to thinkers ranging from Keynes…

Economics, Politics And The Age Of Inflation

Economics, Politics And The Age Of Inflation


Paul Mattick's essays on why bourgeois economic theories of the Keynesian and neo - Keynesian variety cannot explain the c…

Elite Transition: From Apartheid to Neoliberalism in South Africa

Elite Transition: From Apartheid to Neoliberalism in South Africa


Examines the economic and social compromises that have been, and are being, made between the past and present powers in So…

Embedded With Organized Labor: Journalists Reflections on the Class War at Home

Embedded With Organized Labor: Journalists Reflections on the Class War at Home


 By 'home' Steve Early means the US... "Embedded With Organized Labor describes how union members have organized suc…

End Notes 1

End Notes 1


 “Endnotes 1: Preliminary Materials for a Balance Sheet of the 20th Century” presents a discussion between two contempor…

End Notes 3: Gender, Race, Class and Other Misfortunes

End Notes 3: Gender, Race, Class and Other Misfortunes


Third installment from the Endnotes discussion group. Pieces include: "The Holding Pattern""The Logic of Gender"…

End Notes 5

End Notes 5


Just arrived! Long awaited Issue 5 of the Endnotes Journal:  contents list below.  The Passions and the Interests ∅…

Eros and Revolution

Eros and Revolution


"Tying his intellectual concerns to social movements in South Korea, Germany and dozens of countries, historian and social th…

Eugene V. Debs Reader: Socialism and the Class Struggle

Eugene V. Debs Reader: Socialism and the Class Struggle


A collection of writing and speeches by Eugene V. Debs, one of America's most radical labour leaders of the early 20th centur…

Eugene v. Debs: A Graphic Biography

Eugene v. Debs: A Graphic Biography


"Dynamic and beloved American radical, labor leader, and socialist Eugene Victor Debs led the Socialist Party to federal and …

Eurocentrism and the Communist Movement

Eurocentrism and the Communist Movement


"Robert Biel's Eurocentrism and the Communist Movement traces the history of Eurocentric — and anti-Eurocentric — curr…

Europe in Revolt

Europe in Revolt


New collection of pieces looking at anti-austerity politics across Europe, a "gripping and authoratative account of the up…

Facebooking the Anthropocene in Raja Ampat: Technics and Civilization in the 21st Century

Facebooking the Anthropocene in Raja Ampat: Technics and Civilization in the 21st Century


"Ostertag explores how we are changing as fast as the world around us — from how we make music, to how we have sex, to what…

Fascism History and Theory

Fascism History and Theory


"Across Europe and the world, far right parties have been enjoying greater electoral success than at any time since 1945. Rig…

Feminicide and Global Accumulation: Frontline Struggles to Resist the Violence of Patriarchy and capitalism

Feminicide and Global Accumulation: Frontline Struggles to Resist the Violence of Patriarchy and capitalism


Feminicide and Global Accumulation brings us to the frontlines of an international movement of Black, Indigenous, popular, an…

Fictitious Movement and Real Movement

Fictitious Movement and Real Movement


 Reprint of an Alfredo Bonanno essay originally published in Italian in 1977.  Follows on from the text 'Why a Vanguard'…

Firing Back Against the Tyranny of the Market 2

Firing Back Against the Tyranny of the Market 2


 In this series of essays, Pierre Bourdieu continues to dissect the claims of neoliberalism, calling on an international …

Five Days That Shook the World: The Battle for Seattle and Beyond

Five Days That Shook the World: The Battle for Seattle and Beyond


In October 1999 fifty thousand people occupied the streets in a successful effort to shut the World Trade Organisation's m…

Flying Close To The Sun

Flying Close To The Sun


Flying Close to the Sun is the stunning memoir of a white middle-class girl from Connecticut who became a member of the Weath…

For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign

For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign


"A material analysis of the sign which deepens Marx’s critique of political economy for spectacular times This classic…

For Workers' Power: The Selected Writings of Maurice Brinton

For Workers' Power: The Selected Writings of Maurice Brinton


“An eloquent testimony to Maurice Brinton’s life and works ... The work he started and the vision he held are as va…

Frantz Fanon: Philosopher of the Barricades

Frantz Fanon: Philosopher of the Barricades


'Frantz Fanon: Philosopher of the Barricades is a critical biography of his extraordinary life and work. Peter Hudis draws…

Freedom 71/12 19th June 2010

Freedom 71/12 19th June 2010


 Leading with the Europe-wide targeting of political activists; Twitter; stop and search cases; Bologna's antifascist fes…

Freedom and Authority

Freedom and Authority


Using William Morris as an archetype, Freedom and Authority argues that the major concern of the important nineteenth-century…

From Fear to Fraternity

From Fear to Fraternity


 Subtitled 'A Russian Tale of Crime, Economy and Modernity' author Patricia Rawlinson argues that we need to recognise or…

From the Calton to Catalonia

From the Calton to Catalonia


A play about the Scots who fought Franco. Written by Willy and John Maley, based on the experiences of their father, James…

From Urbanization to Cities

From Urbanization to Cities


New print of this Murray Bookchin title on the politics of Democratic Municipalism, with an introduction by Sixtine van Outry…

Global Civil War: Capitalism Post-Pandemic

Global Civil War: Capitalism Post-Pandemic


"Global Civil War is an exciting new study by scholar and activist William Robinson that provides a big-picture account of h…

Global Slump: The Economics and Politics of Crisis and Resistance

Global Slump: The Economics and Politics of Crisis and Resistance


"Global Slump analyzes the global financial meltdown as the first systemic crisis of the neoliberal stage of capitalism. …

Gramsci in Context: Essays and Interviews

Gramsci in Context: Essays and Interviews


'This is the second, revised edition of the book Antonio Gramsci: working-class revolutionary, published in 2012. It summ…

Great Anarchists #3: Michael Bakunin

Great Anarchists #3: Michael Bakunin


"These short introductions delve into the anarchist canon to recover some of the distinctive ideas that historical anarchists…

Green Socialist Red & Green star badge

Green Socialist Red & Green star badge


Green and red enamel star badge, as pictured. 

Guy Debord

Guy Debord


'This is the first and best intellectual biography of Guy Debord, prime mover of the Situationist International (19571972)…

Heart of a Heartless World - Religion as Ideology

Heart of a Heartless World - Religion as Ideology


An accessible introduction to Marxist social theory and Freudian psychology, showing how they can cast light upon religiou…

Here to Stay, Here to Fight A Race Today Anthology

Here to Stay, Here to Fight A Race Today Anthology


"From 1973 to 1988, Race Today, the journal of the revolutionary Race Today Collective was at the epicentre of the struggle f…

Historical Capitalism

Historical Capitalism


This highly readable book provides a succinct condensation of the central ideas of Wallerstein's monumental study of capitali…

Historical Capitalism With Capitalist Civilization

Historical Capitalism With Capitalist Civilization


"...a succinct anatomy of capitalism over the past five hundred years. Considering the way capitalism has changed and evolved…

Home From The Dark Side Of Utopia

Home From The Dark Side Of Utopia


A riveting personal memoir that shares hard-earned political insights. Ross's journey begins on Air Force bases and in sma…

Hong Kong in Revolt The Protest Movement and the Future of China

Hong Kong in Revolt The Protest Movement and the Future of China


"Hong Kong is in turmoil, with a new generation of young and politically active citizens shaking the regime. From the Umbrell…

Hope Against Hope: Writings on Ecological Crisis

Hope Against Hope: Writings on Ecological Crisis


We are told we are living in the middle of a climate crisis of unprecedented proportions. As doomsday scenarios mount, hope c…

How I Became A Socialist

How I Became A Socialist


"William Morris is famous as a designer, poet and artist, but his work as a political thinker and activist is less well known…

How Race Survived: US History From Settlement and Slavery to the Eclipse of Post-racialism

How Race Survived: US History From Settlement and Slavery to the Eclipse of Post-racialism


"The Obama era produced countless articles arguing that America’s race problems were over. The election of Donald Trump has…

How the World Works: The Story of Human Labor from Prehistory to the Modern Day

How the World Works: The Story of Human Labor from Prehistory to the Modern Day


Marxist history of labour, written by Paul Cockshott. Published by Monthly Review Press, 2019.

How to Read Donald Duck Imperialist Ideology in the Disney Comic

How to Read Donald Duck Imperialist Ideology in the Disney Comic


"First published in 1971, How to Read Donald Duck shocked readers by revealing how capitalist ideology operates in our most b…

Howard Zinn on History

Howard Zinn on History


A handy pocket guide on the uses of history - and the power of history when it is put to the service of the struggle for h…

Hungary 56

Hungary 56


Superb history of the Hungarian revolution and of the workers' councils. Published by Phoenix Press (1990), written by…

Ideas for Action: Relevant Theory for Radical Change, 2nd Ed.

Ideas for Action: Relevant Theory for Radical Change, 2nd Ed.


"Written in an engaging and accessible style, Ideas for Action gives activists the intellectual tools to turn discontent into…

Ideologies in the Age of Extremes: Liberalism, Conservatism, Communism, Fascism 1914–91

Ideologies in the Age of Extremes: Liberalism, Conservatism, Communism, Fascism 1914–91


"Introduces the key ideologies of the age; liberalism, conservatism, communism and fascism. Willie Thompson identifies the…

In An Era Of Wars And Revolutions - American Socialist Cartoons of the Mid-twentieth Century

In An Era Of Wars And Revolutions - American Socialist Cartoons of the Mid-twentieth Century


Reproduction of historic American cartoons on a wide range of subjects - Jim Crow racism, New Deal, Stalinism, the Civil R…

In Letters Of Blood And Fire - Work, Machines, and the Crisis of Capitalism

In Letters Of Blood And Fire - Work, Machines, and the Crisis of Capitalism


"Emphasizing class struggles that have proliferated across the social body of global capitalism, Caffentzis shows how a wi…

In The Crossfire: Adventures of a Vietnamese Revolutionary

In The Crossfire: Adventures of a Vietnamese Revolutionary


Although the Vietnam War is still well known, few people are aware of the decades of struggles against the French colonial…

In The Name Of The People

In The Name Of The People


"In the Name of the People is an analysis and reflection on the global populist surge, written from the local forms it takes …

In, Against, and Beyond Capitalism: The San Francisco Lectures

In, Against, and Beyond Capitalism: The San Francisco Lectures


Series of three lectures, which take as their central challenge the idea that "We Are the Crisis of Capital and Proud of I…

India Divided

India Divided


The Lethal Mix of Free Trade, Famine and Fundamentalism in India. India is in desperate crisis, facing potential nuclear c…

Infinitely Demanding: Ethics of Commitment, Politics of Resistance

Infinitely Demanding: Ethics of Commitment, Politics of Resistance


Paperback edition. "The clearest, boldest and most systematic statement of Simon Critchley’s influential views on ph…

Insurgencies: Constituent Power and the Modern State

Insurgencies: Constituent Power and the Modern State


Negre examines the conflict between "constituent power" and "constituted power" - a precusor to his book Empire. Large for…

Insurrection The Bloody Events of May 1937 in Barcelona

Insurrection The Bloody Events of May 1937 in Barcelona


In May, 1937, one of the most advanced revolutions in modern history was defeated. In Insurrection, Agustín Guillamón…

Internationalists in France During the Second World War

Internationalists in France During the Second World War


First-hand account of the activities of the French (and exiled) Left during the Nazi occupation. Also included is some aut…

Is China an Imperialist Country? Considerations and Evidence

Is China an Imperialist Country?  Considerations and Evidence


Whether or not China is now a capitalist-imperialist country is an issue on which there is some considerable disagreement,…

Is Class Still Relevant? An Anarchist Communist Perspective

Is Class Still Relevant? An Anarchist Communist Perspective


"This pamphlet argues that yes, class is still relevant and is a “structural relationship between two classes…. it is not…

Italian Anarchism, 1864-1892

Italian Anarchism, 1864-1892


5.0 average, based on 1 reviews

Russian revolutionary Mikhail Bakunin nurtured anarchism in Italy, making it the dominant expression of socialism - triump…

Jumping the Line: The Adventures and Misadventures of an American Radical

Jumping the Line: The Adventures and Misadventures of an American Radical


Jumping the Line offers a vivid first-hand account of Left culture in America in the heady days of the 20s through the 40s…

Karl Marx - An Illustrated History

Karl Marx - An Illustrated History


This classic biography is unlike any other account of its subject. Including virtually every photograph in existence of Ma…

Kontrrazvedka: The Story of the Makhnovist Intelligence Service

Kontrrazvedka: The Story of the Makhnovist Intelligence Service


The Makhnovist movement was an attempt by peasants in southeastern Ukraine to create an anarchist society in 1917-1921. This …

Krisis: Contributions to the Critique of Commodity Society

Krisis: Contributions to the Critique of Commodity Society


Essays from the German Krisis periodical, which transgresses the academic establishment and leftist traditionalism. A refo…

Labour in Scotland: A Pictorial History from the Eighteenth Century to the Present

Labour in Scotland: A Pictorial History from the Eighteenth Century to the Present


A4 (maybe slightly larger) hardback book, documenting the history of working class life in Scotland up to the miners' strikes…

Left-Wing Communism In Britain 1917-21: An Infantile Disorder?

Left-Wing Communism In Britain 1917-21: An Infantile Disorder?


How a libertarian and non-sectarian (Marxist & Anarchist) communist movement was destroyed by the formation of the Communi…

Legacy to Liberation: Politics and Culture of Revolutionary Asian Pacific America

Legacy to Liberation: Politics and Culture of Revolutionary Asian Pacific America


The first book on the revolutionary Asian American movements of the 60s & 70s. The Black Panther Party and the Brown Beret…

Lenin as Philosopher

Lenin as Philosopher


In the aftermath of the Russian Revolution, Anton Pannekoek investigated the impact of Lenin's ideas and the impact of his ph…

Lessons of the Spanish Revolution: 1936–1939

Lessons of the Spanish Revolution: 1936–1939


"Lessons of the Spanish Revolution examines the many ways in which Spain’s revolutionary movement contributed to its own de…

Libertarian Socialism: Politics in Black and Red

Libertarian Socialism: Politics in Black and Red


"The history of anarchist-Marxist relations is usually told as a history of factionalism and division. These essays, based on…

Lies: A Journal of Materialist Feminism Volume 2

Lies: A Journal of Materialist Feminism Volume 2


LIES is a platform for certain conversations and critiques that are difficult, impossible or dangerous if cis men are in t…

Life of an Anarchist The Alexander Berkman Reader

Life of an Anarchist	The Alexander Berkman Reader


A useful anthology of Alexander Berkman's work, including some that is otherwise out of print. Edited by Gene Fellner and inc…

Limits to Capital

Limits to Capital


This new edition links a general Marxian theory of financial and geographical crises with the incredible turmoil now being…

Lobster # 56

Lobster # 56


Needs little introduction. THE investigative research/secret state magazine, without a doubt. From the far right, to far o…

Looking at the U.S. White Working Class Historically

Looking at the U.S. White Working Class Historically


"Looking at the U.S. White Working Class Historically tackles one of the supreme issues for our movement, the contradictio…

Manifesto for a Democratic Civilization Vol II: Capitalism, the Age of Unmasked Gods and Naked Kings

Manifesto for a Democratic Civilization Vol II: Capitalism, the Age of Unmasked Gods and Naked Kings


The second in a five volume work: "to understand how capitalism has come to engulf our world, we must understand how it devel…

Manifesto for a Democratic Civilization, Volume I – Civilization: The Age of Masked Gods and Disguised Kings

Manifesto for a Democratic Civilization, Volume I – Civilization: The Age of Masked Gods and Disguised Kings


"A criticism that limits itself to capitalism is too superficial, Öcalan argues, and turns his eyes to the underlying struc…

Martin Monath A Jewish Resistance Fighter Among Nazi Soldiers

Martin Monath A Jewish Resistance Fighter Among Nazi Soldiers


"A dramatisation of Martin Monath's short life (1913-1944) would need little artistic embellishment; his identity shrouded in…

Marx 2000

Marx 2000


 Translation of articles from the Krisis group: Robert Kurz on Marx. Number 9 in the Boomerang Series by Chronos Pres…

Marx's Capital (Fifth Edition)

Marx's Capital (Fifth Edition)


"This brilliantly concise book is a classic introduction to Marx’s key work, Capital. In print now for over a quarter of…

Marx's Capital: A Student Edition (Marx 200 Anniversary Reissue)

Marx's Capital: A Student Edition (Marx 200 Anniversary Reissue)


New cover for this 2018 print run of Marx's Capital, edited and introduced by C.J. Arthur. Published by Lawrence and Wisha…

Marx's Ecology: Materialism and Nature

Marx's Ecology: Materialism and Nature


 From the publishers website. "Progress requires the conquest of nature. Or does it? This new account overturns convent…

Marx's Theory of Alienation

Marx's Theory of Alienation


Author Istvan Meszaros focuses on the origins of Marx's thought and on his early writings especially The Economic and Philos…

Marxism, Freedom And The State

Marxism, Freedom And The State


Out of stock

Extracts from various of Bakunin's works, including his controversy with Marx and the nature and characteristics of the State…

Mayday #4

Mayday #4


 Winter 2009/10 pamphlet in support of the striking Postal workers, and the idea of Strike action in general from a Red A…

Meltdown - The End of the Age of Greed

Meltdown - The End of the Age of Greed


 Tells the story of the financial crash that destroyed the West's investment banks, brought the global economy to its kne…

Memoirs of Vidocq: Master of Crime

Memoirs of Vidocq: Master of Crime


Criminal exploits, secret agent intrigue, and clever disguises fill the pages of Francois Eugene Vidocq's memoirs. A legen…




"In Metaphilosophy, Henri Lefebvre works through the implications of Marx’s revolutionary thought to consider philosophy’…

Mexico's Revolution Then and Now

Mexico's Revolution Then and Now


 "A radical scholar's guide to radical Mexico and well worth the read" - Dan La Botz, editor, Mexican Labor News and Analysi…

Militarism and Anti-Militarism

Militarism and Anti-Militarism


"Liebknecht examines all the ways in which militarism is promoted and maintained — conscription, the drumming up of nation…

Modern Politics

Modern Politics


"This volume provides a brilliant and accessible summation of the ideas of left Marxist giant C.L.R. James. Originally del…

Money and Money Reforms

Money and Money Reforms


From 1947, a "Marxian interpretation" of money, economics, capitalism. Published by Charle H Kerr Press.

More Than a Left Foot

More Than a Left Foot


Autobiography of Bob Williams-Finlay, born with cerebral palsy, who by way of his own life story "weaves together the persona…

Move Into The Light: Postscript to a Turbulent 2007

Move Into The Light: Postscript to a Turbulent 2007


"Whether it's the G8 summit at Heiligendamm or experiments in Latin America, the politics of climate change or uprisings …

My Disillusionment in Russia

My Disillusionment in Russia


Out of stock

"I had come to Russia possessed by the hope that I should find a new-born country, with its people wholly consecrated to t…

My Life As A Political Prisoner: The Rebel Girl Becomes "No. 11710"

My Life As A Political Prisoner: The Rebel Girl Becomes "No. 11710"


Account of author Elizabeth Gourley-Flynn's time in the Alderson Federal Women's Reformatory. "She epitomizes an entire epoch…

Nestor Makhno: Anarchy's Cossack The Struggle for Free Soviets in the Ukraine 1917–1921

Nestor Makhno: Anarchy's Cossack  The Struggle for Free Soviets in the Ukraine 1917–1921


The phenomenal life of Ukrainian peasant Nestor Makhno (1888–1934) provides the framework for this breakneck account of the…

New Forms of Worker Organization

New Forms of Worker Organization


"Bureaucratic labor unions are under assault. Most unions have surrendered the achievements of the mid-twentieth century, …

New Lines of Alliance, New Spaces of Liberty

New Lines of Alliance, New Spaces of Liberty


 “The project: to rescue ‘communism’ from its own disrepute. Once invoked as the liberation of work through mankind…

No Revolution Anywhere

No Revolution Anywhere


By Robert Kurz. "No Revolution Anywhere is the first in a series of pamphlets and books under the heading The Life and…

Northeastern Anarchist - Issue 6 Summer/Fall 2003

Northeastern Anarchist - Issue 6  Summer/Fall 2003


Class-struggle anarchist theory, history and analysis. Includes pieces on anarchist union organisers, a critique of the an…

Notes Toward An Understanding of Capitalist Crisis & Theory

Notes Toward An Understanding of Capitalist Crisis & Theory


An attempt to pull together a fairly simple introduction to anti-capitalist theory, the result of being asked if Marxist t…

Obsolete Communism - The Left Wing Alternative

Obsolete Communism - The Left Wing Alternative


Danny the Red led demonstrations at the Sorbonne in Nanterre which led to disciplinary action by the university and questi…

On Activism, Democracy and Other Obstacles to Revolution

On Activism, Democracy and Other Obstacles to Revolution


A Little Monsieur Dupont Reader. Pamphlet from Sto Citas.

On Anarchism, Marxism and Hope for the Future

On Anarchism, Marxism and Hope for the Future


Reprint of an interview conducted for Red & Black Revolution in May 1995, in which Chomsky gives his views on Lenin, Marx,…

On the Barricades of Berlin: An Account of the 1848 Revolution

On the Barricades of Berlin: An Account of the 1848 Revolution


"The 1848 wave of worker rebellions that swept across Europe struck the German states with the March Revolution. While Richar…

One China, Many Paths

One China, Many Paths


The world's largest country is now a constant topic of fascination or fear in the West, producing an ever increasing literatu…

Oppose and Propose!: Lessons from the Movement for a New Society

Oppose and Propose!: Lessons from the Movement for a New Society


Where do the strategies, tactics, and lifestyles of contemporary activists come from? Movement for a New Society, a radica…

Organization Means Commitment

Organization Means Commitment


Or, Commitment is the Key. How to build a revolutionary cadre organisation, obviously written by someone with a Marxist-Le…

Organizing Insurgency: Workers' Movements in the Global South

Organizing Insurgency: Workers' Movements in the Global South


"Workers in the Global South are doomed through economic imperialism to carry the burden of the entire world. While these wor…

Our NHS? Anarchist Communist Thoughts on Health.

Our NHS? Anarchist Communist Thoughts on Health.


The Anarchist Communist Group’s new pamphlet on the NHS. With sections on: Health and Capitalism; The NHS, Why We Should…

Our Time is Now: Sex, Race, Class, and Caring for People and Planet

Our Time is Now: Sex, Race, Class, and Caring for People and Planet


"Follow-up to her (Selma James's) first anthology, Sex, Race, and Class, compiles several decades of James’s work with a fo…

Out Of The Ghetto:My Youth in the East End, Communism and Fascism, 1913-39

Out Of The Ghetto:My Youth in the East End, Communism and Fascism, 1913-39


Superb autobiography of an East End Jewish militant's life during the General Strike, Great Depression and above all, the …

Painting the Town Red: Politics and the Arts during the 1919 Hungarian Soviet Republic

Painting the Town Red: Politics and the Arts during the 1919 Hungarian Soviet Republic


'Hungary's short-lived Soviet Republic of 1919 saw an eruption of intensely political activity in culture and the arts whi…

Pangayaw and Decolonizing Resistance: Anarchism in the Philippines

Pangayaw and Decolonizing Resistance: Anarchism in the Philippines


"The legacy of anarchist ideas in the Philippines was first brought to the attention of a global audience by Benedict Anderso…

Panther Vision

Panther Vision


"Essential Party Writings and Art of Kevin 'Rashid' Johnson, Minster of Defense, New Afrikan Black Panther Party - Prison …

Paperboys:One man's accounts of picketing at Wapping

Paperboys:One man's accounts of picketing at Wapping


Picket line violence at Wapping. True tales of taking the cops on. A rivetting, inspiring account of taking the fight to t…

Parecon: Life After Capitalism

Parecon: Life After Capitalism


 Paperback of Michael Albert's classic on his participatory economics system. Published by Verso.

Paris May 68

Paris May 68


Small format spined booklet, Maurice Brinton's classic eye-witness essay on conditions in Paris, 1968. Published by Active…




Out of stock

Wide-ranging collection of interviews of Jean Baudrillard with/by Philippe Petit.  

Party Without Bosses

Party Without Bosses


Subtitled "Lessons on Anti-Capitalism from Felix Guattari and Luis Inaciao da Silva". Features a discussion between Lula a…

Peak Inequality: Britain's Ticking Time Bomb

Peak Inequality: Britain's Ticking Time Bomb


Dorling is a Professor of Geography, and brings the full force of that knowledge to lay out the consequences of the social in…

Political Interventions: Social Science and Political Action

Political Interventions: Social Science and Political Action


"Pierre Bourdieu, one of the most influential critical social theorists of the second half of the twentieth century, once d…

Politics at a Distance from the State: Radical and African Perspectives

Politics at a Distance from the State: Radical and African Perspectives


"For decades, most anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist movements identified radical change with capturing state power. The c…

Poor Lenin

Poor Lenin


This pamphlet is excerpted from The Communist Technique in Britain, published in 1952, written by a long serving member of…

Precarious Communism: Manifest Mutations, Manifesto Detourned

Precarious Communism: Manifest Mutations, Manifesto Detourned


 "How does one demonstrate the enduring relevance of a sacred text but help it speak to present times? This is what …

Prison Writings: The Roots of Civilisation

Prison Writings: The Roots of Civilisation


"Abdullah Ocalan was the most wanted man in Turkey for almost two decades until his kidnapping and arrest in 1999. He has bee…

Prison, Poetry, Martyrdom: Saida Menebhi and the Moroccan Years of Lead

Prison, Poetry, Martyrdom: Saida Menebhi and the Moroccan Years of Lead


New pamphlet from See Red Press: a selection of poems, translated to English for the first time, by the Moroccan Marxist and …

Profiting without Producing: How Finance Exploits Us All

Profiting without Producing: How Finance Exploits Us All


"Financialization is one of the most innovative concepts to emerge in the field of political economy in the last three dec…

Proletarian Aspirations: Part One

Proletarian Aspirations: Part One


Contains an extended essay tracing the roots of the British left-communist tradition, entitled Anti-Parliamentarism and Co…

Proletarian Aspirations: Part Three

Proletarian Aspirations: Part Three


Subtitled 'The Struggle Continues', more essays from Black Star: Workers Journal for a Free Communist Society, including w…

Proletarian Aspirations: Part Two

Proletarian Aspirations: Part Two


Subtitled Anti-Parliamentarism & Communism in Britain 1921-1945, this collects writing from Frank Maitland, Jane Hamilton …

Prophetic Reflections: Notes on Race and Power in America v. 2

Prophetic Reflections: Notes on Race and Power in America v. 2


In this second volume of essays Cornel West examines his own role and that of other intellectuals in the struggle to overc…

Protest and Survival: The Historical Experience

Protest and Survival: The Historical Experience


A collection of essays 'for E.P. Thompson' - includes work by Peter Linebaugh and Sheila Rowbotham among others. Published…




"A new edition of one of the most significant and credible critiques of the anti-psychiatry movement. As relevant today as…

Queen of the Bolsheviks: The Hidden History of Dr Marie Equi

Queen of the Bolsheviks: The Hidden History of Dr Marie Equi


 Now forgotten, Dr Marie Equi was a physician for working-class women and children; a lesbian; and a dynamic and flamboya…

Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities

Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities


Situating racial and ethnic relations within the social structures maintained by nationalist ideologies, class interests, and…

Radical Glasgow: A Skeleton Sketch of Glasgow's Radical Traditions

Radical Glasgow: A Skeleton Sketch of Glasgow's Radical Traditions


Author John Couzin gives a potted history of Glasgow's radical past: strikes, housing struggles, anti-war activism, feminism …

Radical Seattle: The General Strike of 1919

Radical Seattle: The General Strike of 1919


"On a grey winter morning in Seattle, in February 1919, 110 local unions shut down the entire city. Shut it down and took it …

Rank and File - Personal Histories by Working-Class Organisers

Rank and File - Personal Histories by Working-Class Organisers


For readers who want to see an alternative view to official U.S. trade union history.  Edited by Staughton Lynd and Alice…

Re-enchanting the World: Feminism and the Politics of the Commons

Re-enchanting the World: Feminism and the Politics of the Commons


"Silvia Federici is one of the most important contemporary theorists of capitalism and feminist movements. In this collection…

Ready For Revolution: The Life and Struggles of Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture)

Ready For Revolution: The Life and Struggles of Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture)


 Recounts the extraordinary course of Carmichael's life, from his Trinidadian youth to his consciousness-raising years in Ha…

Rebel Alliances

Rebel Alliances


Rebel Alliances offers an applied philosophical perspective on contemporary class-struggle anarchism in Britain. It identifie…

Rebel Rank and File:Labor Militancy and Revolt from Below During the Long 1970s

Rebel Rank and File:Labor Militancy and Revolt from Below During the Long 1970s


  "From the mid-1960s to 1981, rank-and-file workers in the United States engaged in a level of sustained militancy not …

Rebel Voices: An IWW Anthology

Rebel Voices: An IWW Anthology


Massive collection of material spanning the history of the IWW - history, fiction, songs, art and lore - here republished in …

Recovering Bookchin - Social Ecology And The Crises Of Our Time

Recovering Bookchin - Social Ecology And The Crises Of Our Time


"Murray Bookchin elucidated one of the first intellectual responses to the ecological crisis, but the end of his life was …

Red International and Black Caribbean: Communists in New York City, Mexico and the West Indies, 1919-1939

Red International and Black Caribbean: Communists in New York City, Mexico and the West Indies, 1919-1939


"This is the history of black radicals who organised as Communists between the two world wars of the twentieth century. It ex…

Red Star Enamel Badge

Red Star Enamel Badge


About 2cm across, red enamel badge.

Remember Kronstadt: One Hundred Years On

Remember Kronstadt: One Hundred Years On


Small format booklet published by Active Distribution, 2021. "A hundred years ago the end of the Russian revolution came a…

Remembering the Armed Struggle: Life in Baader-Meinhof

Remembering the Armed Struggle: Life in Baader-Meinhof


 On 21 October 1971 Margrit Schiller was arrested and imprisoned by the German government first for two years and then for a…

Remembering Tomorrow

Remembering Tomorrow


In this lucid political memoir, veteran anti-capitalist activist Michael Albert offers an ardent defense of the project to…

Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War

Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War


Within a year of the triumphal entry into Havana in 1959, Guevara began to set down the history of the guerilla war. Fearf…

Representing Capital: A Reading of Volume One

Representing Capital: A Reading of Volume One


"Representing Capital, Fredric Jameson's first book-length engagement with Marx's magnum opus, is a unique work of scholarshi…

Resistance: A Radical Social and Political History of the Lower East Side

Resistance: A Radical Social and Political History of the Lower East Side


This collection of writings and images documents the political history of NYC's Lower East Side, describing the lives and …

Resisting The State: Canadian History Through the Stories of Activists

Resisting The State: Canadian History Through the Stories of Activists


Grassroots history of Canada through the accounts of a wide range of radical political movements: anti-racism, -sexism and -p…

Revolution in Seattle

Revolution in Seattle


 "Journalist and activist Harvey O'Connor captures the courage and defiance of workers on the march against the carnage o…

Revolutionary Affinities: Towards a Marxist-Anarchist Solidarity

Revolutionary Affinities: Towards a Marxist-Anarchist Solidarity


"Both a sweeping history of revolutionary struggle and a road map for the future, Revolutionary Affinities takes readers from…

Revolutionary Women: a Book of Stencils

Revolutionary Women: a Book of Stencils


 From PM Press, collection of stencil art and short biography pieces of some revolutionary women, including Harriet Tubman, …

Revolutionary Writing: Common Sense Essays in Post-Political Politics

Revolutionary Writing: Common Sense Essays in Post-Political Politics


 "Fourteen radical essays in "open" or "autonomous" Marxism, subverting (by critiquing) the typical concept of the political…

Revolutionary Yiddishland: A History of Jewish Radicalism

Revolutionary Yiddishland: A History of Jewish Radicalism


Explores the history of Jewish radicalism in Central and Eastern Europe before the Holocaust. First published in French in 19…

Riot. Strike.Riot: The New Era of Uprisings

Riot. Strike.Riot: The New Era of Uprisings


"Baltimore. Ferguson. Tottenham. Clichy-sous-Bois. Oakland. Ours has become an “age of riots” as the struggle of people v…

Rosa Luxemburg and the Struggle for Democratic Renewal

Rosa Luxemburg and the Struggle for Democratic Renewal


"What can contemporary activists and political theorists learn from the life and work of Rosa Luxemburg? Examining her contri…

Rosa Luxemburg, Women's Liberation and Marx's Philosophy of Revolution (Second Edition)

Rosa Luxemburg, Women's Liberation and Marx's Philosophy of Revolution (Second Edition)


"In this important and wide-ranging critique of Rosa Luxemburg (1871–1919) Raya Dunayevskaya examines the life, political t…

Rosa Luxemburg: An Intimate Portrait

Rosa Luxemburg: An Intimate Portrait


The unique memoirs of the woman who both organised Luxemburg's clandestine communications with the outside world whilst she w…

Rupturing The Dialectic: The Struggle Against Work, Money, and Financialization

Rupturing The Dialectic: The Struggle Against Work, Money, and Financialization


Rupturing the Dialectic interprets capitalism's most recent crises and demonstrates how ordinary men and women can, and do…

Russian Anarchists

Russian Anarchists


This classic text from Paul Avrich is a comprehensive history of the anarchist movement in Russia. He examined published mate…

Save the Humans? Common Preservation in Action

Save the Humans? Common Preservation in Action


"We the people of the world are creating the conditions for our own self-extermination, whether through the bang of a nuclear…

Scattered Sand: The Story of China's Rural Migrants

Scattered Sand: The Story of China's Rural Migrants


Some 200 million workers move around China every year, looking for work. They are the most marginalized and impoverished grou…

Selected Short Works of John Reed

Selected Short Works of John Reed


Best known for his coverage of the Russian Revolution in his book Ten Days That Shook the World, the American writer John …

Self-Defence, Self-Respect & Self-Determination

Self-Defence, Self-Respect & Self-Determination


Robert Williams organised African-American armed self-defense in the South. President of the NAACP in Monroe, North Caroli…

Sex, Race and Class: The Perspective of Winning

Sex, Race and Class: The Perspective of Winning


A selection of writings, 1952–2011.

Shit is Fucked Up and Bullshit: History Since The End Of History

Shit is Fucked Up and Bullshit: History Since The End Of History


"Our economic situation, political discourse, and future prospects have gotten much worse since a guy brought a sign that sai…

Sick Of It All! Work, Inquiry & Struggle in the NHS

Sick Of It All! Work, Inquiry & Struggle in the NHS


Collection of writing on the NHS, by those who work within it - history, analysis, reportage and opinion, particularly about …

Sing a Battle Song: The Revolutionary Poetry, Statements and Communiqués of the Weather Underground 1970-1974

Sing a Battle Song: The Revolutionary Poetry, Statements and Communiqués of the Weather Underground 1970-1974


 Edited by Bernardine Dohrn, Bill Ayers and Jeff Jones, this collects in their original form the three publications - The…

Social Contagion and other material on microbiological class war in China

Social Contagion and other material on microbiological class war in China


"Social Contagion presents the untold story of the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan. Chuang, a collective of communists living insi…

Social Reproduction Theory: Remapping Class, Recentering Oppression

Social Reproduction Theory: Remapping Class, Recentering Oppression


"While many Marxists tend to focus on the productive economy, this book focuses on issues such as child care, health care, ed…

Socialism and Marriage

Socialism and Marriage


First published in 1914, another in Hobnail Press' Aldred reprints series.

Socialism Or Your Money Back

Socialism Or Your Money Back


Articles from the Socialist Standard, 1904-2004. All the usual topics (the Russian Revolution, the General Strike, Thatche…

Some Aspects of Marxian Economics

Some Aspects of Marxian Economics


Collection of essays on themes such as Capital Accumulation; Relative Wages; Capitalism and Work - mainly taken from the S…

Spectre At The Feast

Spectre At The Feast


East Berlin, 1994 In the wake of a divisive referendum, the people of the GDR are struggling to find common ground. Con…

Split: Class Divides Uncovered

Split: Class Divides Uncovered


"How can we make sense of a world where we have both too many billionaires and too many foodbanks? We're supposed to go to un…

Stand Up Struggle Forward: New Afrikan Revolutionary Writings on Nation, Class and Patriarchy

Stand Up Struggle Forward: New Afrikan Revolutionary Writings on Nation, Class and Patriarchy


"This collection of writings by Sanyika Shakur, formerly known as Monster Kody Scott, includes several essays written from…

State Capitalism And World Revolution

State Capitalism And World Revolution


Theoretical analysis of the present stage of capitalism in the form largely of a polemic against Trotskyist views, documen…

Stealing The Future: An East German Spy Thriller

Stealing The Future: An East German Spy Thriller


New novel by author Max Hertzberg. "Behind the Berlin Wall, dissident turned investigator Martin Grobe is on the tra…

Stop, Thief!: The Commons, Enclosures, and Resistance

Stop, Thief!: The Commons, Enclosures, and Resistance


"From Thomas Paine to the Luddites, from Karl Marx - who concluded his great study of capitalism with the enclosure of common…

Storming Heaven: Class Composition and Struggle in Italian Autonomist Marxism

Storming Heaven: Class Composition and Struggle in Italian Autonomist Marxism


"Storming Heaven is Steve Wright's unsurpassed study of Italian autonomist Marxism. This new edition remains the only book to…

Stormy Petrel Issue 4

Stormy Petrel Issue 4


Magazine of the Anarchist Communist Group. Issue 4, 2022. Problem with Populism: People Not Class The Refugee Crisis …

Stormy Petrel Issue 5

Stormy Petrel Issue 5


The magazine of the Anarchist Communist Group (ACG).  This issue 5, out June 2023. Against the Dark Trinity of Capitalism…

Stormy Petrel: Theoretical Journal of the Anarchist Communist Group #2

Stormy Petrel: Theoretical Journal of the Anarchist Communist Group #2


Issue 2, out for winter 2020.  This is the renamed journal (it was Virus) of the Anarchist Communist Group (ACG).  Class st…




Originally published in 1972, this expanded edition brings the story of US labour history up-to-date. Author Jeremy Breche…

Subversion of Politics: European Autonomous Social Movements and the Decolonization of Everyday Life

Subversion of Politics: European Autonomous Social Movements and the Decolonization of Everyday Life


Since the modern anti-globalisation movement kicked off with the 1999 WTO protests in Seattle, a new generation has been enga…

Suffled How it Gush, A North American in the Balkans

Suffled How it Gush, A North American in the Balkans


5.0 average, based on 1 reviews

Author Shon Meckfessel appropriates the peculiar slogan of an Albanian mineral water company as the title for this uniquel…

Surveys From Exile: Marx's Political Writing Volume 2

Surveys From Exile: Marx's Political Writing Volume 2


"In the 1850s and early 1860s Marx played an active part in politics, and his prolific journalism from London offered a co…

Tactics and Ethics 1919–1929

Tactics and Ethics 1919–1929


Collects George Lukács' articles from the most politically active time of his life, a period encompassing his stint as Deput…

Taking Care of Business - Samuel Gompers, George Meany, Lane Kirkland & the Tragedy of American Labor

Taking Care of Business - Samuel Gompers, George Meany, Lane Kirkland & the Tragedy of American Labor


How unions in the US became remote from workers, marginalized their radical members and became a conservative force in soc…

Taking Sides, Taking Risks: Jean Genet and the Red Army Faction

Taking Sides, Taking Risks:  Jean Genet and the Red Army Faction


It's an English translation of Jean Genet's text 'Violence et brutalité' (1977), prefaced with a long essay written by See R…

The "S" Word: A Short History of an American Tradition... Socialism



"During the Cold War it became a dirty word in the United States, but 'socialism' runs like a red thread through the natio…

The Anti-Jewish Riots in Oslo

The Anti-Jewish Riots in Oslo


"On a weekend in January 2009, Oslo was shaken: Massive protests against the war in Gaza degenerated into the most violent…

The Antonio Gramsci Reader

The Antonio Gramsci Reader


The most complete one-volume collection of writings by one of the most fascinating thinkers in the history of Marxism - this …

The Beginning of the American Fall

The Beginning of the American Fall


Graphic art representation of the US Occupy Movement over the period of late 2011 into 2012, showing the highs and lows, t…

The Beginning of the End:

The Beginning of the End:


Poet, anarchist, journalist Quattorcchi covered the student/worker/situationist revolts of France in May of 1968. This is the…

The Black Consciousness Reader

The Black Consciousness Reader


"Black Consciousness is turning up the heat agains toppressive rule, exploitation and racism n South Africa and around the ow…

The Blood Never Dried: A People's History of the British Empire

The Blood Never Dried: A People's History of the British Empire


 John Newsinger sets out to to uncover the neglected history of repression and resistance at the heart of the british Emp…

The Commonist Horizon: Futures Beyond Capitalist Urbanization

The Commonist Horizon: Futures Beyond Capitalist Urbanization


How do we move from defensive tactics that respond to the latest stages of capitalist urbanization, to transformative, strate…

The Communism of Love: An Inquiry into the Poverty of Exchange Value

The Communism of Love: An Inquiry into the Poverty of Exchange Value


Exploring the meanings and powers of love from Ancient Greece to the present day, Richard Gilman-Opalsky argues that what is …

The Communist Club

The Communist Club


The Communist Club, originally a political social club formed by German émigrés, played an important role in the radical po…

The Communist Manifesto

The Communist Manifesto


Pamphlet edition of the Communist Mainfesto, written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Translated by Samuel Moore. The Me…

The Communist Road To Capitalism - How Unrest and Containment Have Pushed China's (R)Evolution Since 1949

The Communist Road To Capitalism - How Unrest and Containment Have Pushed China's (R)Evolution Since 1949


" The Communist Road to Capitalism explores how a dynamic of social struggles from below followed by countermeasures of th…

The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, Volume I: Economic Writings 1

The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, Volume I: Economic Writings 1


'This first volume in Rosa Luxemburg's Complete Works, entitled Economic Writings 1, contains some of Luxemburg's most import…

The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, Volume II: Economic Writings 2

The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, Volume II: Economic Writings 2


'Ths second volume of Rosa Luxemburg's Complete Works contains one of her most important works, The Accumulation of Capital, …

The Condition Of The Working Class In England

The Condition Of The Working Class In England


Still a classic historical and political work. If you think the capitalist class ever had a shred of humanity read this. T…

The Continuing Appeal of Nationalism

The Continuing Appeal of Nationalism


"Nationalism was proclaimed dead several times during the [Twentieth] century. Yet forty years after the military defeat of F…

The Continuing Appeal of Religion

The Continuing Appeal of Religion


Small format spined booklet, essay by Gilles Dauvé and Karl Nesic, on why religion perseveres long after the age of the pari…

The Corona Crash: How the Pandemic Will Change Capitalism

The Corona Crash: How the Pandemic Will Change Capitalism


"We are living through a unique moment in history. The pandemic has caused the deepest global recession since the Second Worl…

The Cuban Revolution: A Critical Perspective

The Cuban Revolution: A Critical Perspective


"This book sheds new light on the Cuban Revolution. It also adds new dimensions to the traditional way in which fundamenta…

The Dossier of Subject No. 1218: A Bulgarian Anarchist's Story

The Dossier of Subject No. 1218: A Bulgarian Anarchist's Story


Of the few who managed to survive the horrors of Bulgaria's Stalinist concentration camps, Alexander Nakov is possibly the…

The End of the World As We Know It? Crisis, Resistance and the Age of Austerity

The End of the World As We Know It? Crisis, Resistance and the Age of Austerity


The End of the World as We Know It? explores the origins and effects of the capitalist crisis that began in 2008. It move…

The European Radical Left: Movements and Parties since the 1960s

The European Radical Left: Movements and Parties since the 1960s


"Is today's left really new? How has the European radical left evolved? Giorgos Charalambous answers these questions by lo…

The Fiery Brook: Selected Writings

The Fiery Brook: Selected Writings


"Ludwig Feuerbach's departure from the traditional philosophy of Hegel opened a door for generations of radical philosophi…

The First Darwinian Left: Socialism and Darwinism 1859-1914

The First Darwinian Left: Socialism and Darwinism 1859-1914


Stack argues that Darwinism and socialism were the two most exciting ideas of the late nineteenth century. He studies the …

The First International and After: Marx's Political Writings Volume 3

The First International and After: Marx's Political Writings Volume 3


"The crucial texts of Marx’s later years—notably The Civil War in Franceand Critique of the Gotha Programme—count …

The First Socialist Schism

The First Socialist Schism


Subtitled "Bakunin vs. Marx in the International Working Men's Association" this is a massive tome! "The First Socia…

The Forgotten Revolution: The 1919 Hungarian Republic of Councils

The Forgotten Revolution: The 1919 Hungarian Republic of Councils


Collection of essays on post WW1 Hungary. Edited by András B Göllner, published by Black Rose Books, 2022.

The Fourth International In Danger:

The Fourth International In Danger:


In Mexico after WW2, these three Trotskyist (and surrealist) militants presented a revolutionary critique of the policies …

The German Revolution: Selected Writings of Rosa Luxemburg

The German Revolution: Selected Writings of Rosa Luxemburg


Collection of pieces by Rosa Luxemburg from 1918/1919, writing about the German revolution. A4 sized pamphlet, 56 pages so…

The Global Imagination of 1968: Revolution and Counterrevolution

The Global Imagination of 1968: Revolution and Counterrevolution


'Brings to life social movements of the 1960s, a period of world-historical struggles. With discussions of more than fifty co…

The Global Perspective: Reflections on Imperialism and Resistance

The Global Perspective: Reflections on Imperialism and Resistance


"In the 1970s and 80s, Torkil Lauesen was a member of a clandestine communist cell which carried out a series of robberie…

The Great Financial Crisis: Causes and Consequences

The Great Financial Crisis: Causes and Consequences


Authors John Bellamy Foster and Fred Magdoff "explore the whole course of what is now known as “the worst financial cri…

The Guillotine at Work

The Guillotine at Work


The Leninist counter-revolution, Chapters 1-3. Originally published in 1940 in two volumes, this is the (partly eyewit…

The Idea

The Idea


A hefty tome, examining the history and practice of anarchist-communism. "Anarchist communism often hides in the shadows i…

The Insurrectionists

The Insurrectionists


William Fishman traces the lives and ideology of the leaders of the French Revolution: Marat, Robespierre and Blanqui; the…

The Italian Factory Councils and the Anarchists

The Italian Factory Councils and the Anarchists


"The history of the Italian factory councils of 1920-1921 deserves to be more widely known outside academic circles and revol…

The Kronstadt Commune (A6)

The Kronstadt Commune (A6)


Small format booklet editon of this classic Ida Mett essay, published by Active 2021.

The Kronstadt Revolt: The flower of the revolution crushed by the Bolsheviks

The Kronstadt Revolt: The flower of the revolution crushed by the Bolsheviks


Published to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Kronstadt uprising of revolutionary sailors and workers against the Bol…

The Kronstadt Uprising

The Kronstadt Uprising


New book-size printing of Ida Mett's 'The Kronstadt Uprising', a title we haven't had for ages now so it's good to see it in …

The Last Great Enclosure: The Crisis of the General Intellect

The Last Great Enclosure: The Crisis of the General Intellect


Autonomist marxist writings on the knowledge economy. Queequeg, 2014.

The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg

The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg


'During the first decades of the twentieth century, Rosa Luxemburg was the leader of the workers’ movement in Poland and…

The Liberal Defence of Murder

The Liberal Defence of Murder


Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, a number of prominent thinkers on the Left found themselves increasingly align…

The Market System Must Go! Why Reformism Doesn't Work.

The Market System Must Go! Why Reformism Doesn't Work.


 Pamphlet on the subject of reform or revolution. Published by the Socialist Party of Great Britain, (SPGB), 1997 …

The Meaning of Freedom CD

The Meaning of Freedom CD


 New spoken word CD from PM Press: an Angela Davis speech delivered at a conference organised for the 200th anniversary o…

The Modern Crisis

The Modern Crisis


Six incisive essays from the father of social ecology. Murray Bookchin’s frank assessment of the disaster we are heading…

The National Debt

The National Debt


A useful look at what passes for capitalist economics. A wealth of statistics, insight and analysis, to help understand th…

The Nature of Human Brain Work: An Introduction to Dialectics

The Nature of Human Brain Work: An Introduction to Dialectics


"Dietzgen examines what we do when we think. He discovered that thinking is a process involving two opposing processes: ge…

The New Left Legacy and Continuity

The New Left Legacy and Continuity


The greatest contribution of the New Left of the 1960s was its determination to build a culture and politics of popular pa…

The Organisational Platform of the Libertarian Communists and the Synthesis

The Organisational Platform of the Libertarian Communists and the Synthesis


"Still a controversial document, the Organisational Platform of the Libertarian Communists offers suggestions for effective f…

The Paul Goodman Reader

The Paul Goodman Reader


 "A one-man think-tank for the New Left, Paul Goodman wrote over thirty books, most of them before his decade of fame as…

The Political Thought of Abdullah Öcalan Kurdistan, Woman's Revolution and Democratic Confederalism

The Political Thought of Abdullah Öcalan Kurdistan, Woman's Revolution and Democratic Confederalism


"Abdullah Ocalan led the struggle for Kurdish liberation for more than 20 years until his capture in 1999. Now, writing from …

The Politics of Division

The Politics of Division


Pamphlet from the Anarchist Communist Group (ACG) - "an engagement with identity politics". Published 2021.

The Politics of James Connolly

The Politics of James Connolly


"Born in 1868 and executed by the British in 1916 for his role in the Easter Rising, the work of Irish national hero James …

The Poverty of Theory

The Poverty of Theory


'There can be no doubt that Poverty of Theory is an essay that will have lasting impact. It will resonate throughout discussi…

The Rape of Socialism

The Rape of Socialism


This massive, wide ranging, darkly humorous tome explores socialist thinking through the last hundred years with particula…

The Rape of Socialism

The Rape of Socialism


This massive, wide ranging, darkly humorous tome explores socialist thinking through the last hundred years with particula…

The Red Army Faction: A Documentary History Vol 1

The Red Army Faction: A Documentary History Vol 1


The first in a two-volume series, this is by far the most in-depth political history of the Red Army Faction ever made ava…

The Red Army Faction: A Documentary History Volume 2

The Red Army Faction: A Documentary History Volume 2


The long-awaited Volume 2 of the first-ever English-language study of the Red Army Faction - West Germany’s most notor…

The Reproduction Of Daily Life

The Reproduction Of Daily Life


A very good introduction to Marx's Capital. If you ever wanted to know what words like 'alienation', 'commodity fetishism'…

The Reproduction of Daily Life

The Reproduction of Daily Life


Što čitaš A5 edition of Fredy Perlman's classic essay. 

The Revolutions of 1848: Political Writings Volume 1

The Revolutions of 1848: Political Writings Volume 1


"Marx and Engels had sketched out the principles of scientific communism by 1846. Yet it was from his intense involvement in …

The Rise of the Green Left: Inside the Worldwide Ecosocialist Movement

The Rise of the Green Left: Inside the Worldwide Ecosocialist Movement


"Derek Wall offers a practical insider's guide to ecosocialism. The book explores ecosocialism's core ideas, its development …

The Road Ahead and the Dialectics of Change

The Road Ahead and the Dialectics of Change


Applying the science of dialectical and historical materialism to the prison construct as it exists within the California …

The Robbery of Nature: Capitalism and the Ecological Rift

The Robbery of Nature: Capitalism and the Ecological Rift


"In the nineteenth century, Karl Marx, inspired by the German chemist Justus von Liebig, argued that capitalism’s relation …

The Role of the Revolutionary Organisation (ACG/2023)

The Role of the Revolutionary Organisation (ACG/2023)


Statement of the general positions of the Anarchist Communist Group (ACG) - it's a revised version of a pamphlet of the same …

The Role of the Revolutionary Organisation (new edition)

The Role of the Revolutionary Organisation (new edition)


From the introdution: "The Anarchist Federation seek the abolition of capitalism and state in favour of bringing about a s…

The Shallow Grave: A Memoir of the Spanish Civil War

The Shallow Grave: A Memoir of the Spanish Civil War


"After more than half a century, the Spanish Civil War continues to provoke debate and interest. Uniquely, thousands of volu…

The Sociology of Freedom: Manifesto of the Democratic Civilization, Volume III

The Sociology of Freedom: Manifesto of the Democratic Civilization, Volume III


"When scientific socialism, which for many years was implemented by Abdullah Öcalan and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK)…

The Soul of Man Under Socialism

The Soul of Man Under Socialism


Small-format pamphlet edition of Oscar Wilde's famous essay.

The State - Or Revolution. Selected Works of Camillo Berneri

The State - Or Revolution. Selected Works of Camillo Berneri


In 1937 Camillo Berneri, one of the great anarchist theorists and journalists of his era, was assassinated in Barcelona by me…

The State: Hostis Primers

The State: Hostis Primers


Introductory essay on the concept of 'The State'.

The Struggle Against Fascism Begins With the Struggle Against Bolshevism

The Struggle Against Fascism Begins With the Struggle Against Bolshevism


Pamphlet of Otto Rühle's 1939 essay on state power, with an introduction by Alfredo M Bonanno. Published by Sto Citas. …

The Substance of Capital

The Substance of Capital


"The Substance of Capital is the first book in a series of pamphlets and books under the heading of The Life and Death of Cap…

The Third Revolution: Peasant and Worker Resistance to the Bolshevik Government

The Third Revolution: Peasant and Worker Resistance to the Bolshevik Government


Spined booklet edition of Nick Heath's expanded work on the anti-Bolshevik resistance, first published by Kate Sharpley Libra…

The Third Revolution? Peasant and worker resistance to the Bolshevik government

The Third Revolution? Peasant and worker resistance to the Bolshevik government


The Makhnovist movement of the Ukraine is the best known of the revolutionary oppositions to the Bolshevik regime. But it …

The Tradition of Workers' Control

The Tradition of Workers' Control


A collection of Geoffrey Ostergaard's writing on various forms of worker control - Guild Socialism; British Syndicalism; Mana…

The Truth About Trotsky

The Truth About Trotsky


Followers of Trotsky still have an important influence in Britain, and other countries. There are a number of parties and gro…

The Unknown Revolution

The Unknown Revolution


A combination of history, eye-witness account and partisan advocacy, from this anarchist participant in the Russian Revolutio…

The Unknown Revolution 1917-1921

The Unknown Revolution 1917-1921


Classic title, it's great to have it back in print. " This is the untold story of the Russian Revolution: its anteced…

The US Antifascism Reader

The US Antifascism Reader


Well this one was timely... "Since the birth of fascism in the 1920s, well before the global renaissance of “white natio…

The Veritable Split In The International

The Veritable Split In The International


Theses on the Situationist International, from two of its leading lights, along with some appendices. This edition pub…

The War After The War: In the Light of the Elements of Working-Class Economics

The War After The War: In the Light of the Elements of Working-Class Economics


Reprint of a 1918 pamphlet by John Maclean, Glasgow Economic Class Pamhlets #1, with an afterword by Jim Slaven. Writt…

The Wobblies in Their Heyday: The Rise and Destruction of the Industrial Workers of the World During the World War I Era

The Wobblies in Their Heyday: The Rise and Destruction of the Industrial Workers of the World During the World War I Era


Well-received research into the history of the IWW and the covert efforts made on the part of the state to to destroy the org…

The Working Class & Social Change

The Working Class & Social Change


 Pamphlet reprint of Martin Glaberman's 1975 collection of essays originally published by New Hogtown Press.

Theory and Practice: Coversations with Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn DVD

Theory and Practice: Coversations with Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn DVD


Two of the most venerable figures on the American Left - Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky - converse with Sasha Lilley about t…

Thought Dreams

Thought Dreams


A discussion of progressive theories and conceptual frameworks using examples and question-and-answer methods in order to …

Three Works: News from Nowhere, Dream of John Ball and Pilgrims of Hope

Three Works: News from Nowhere, Dream of John Ball and Pilgrims of Hope


...of a political and philosophical bent. Written by William Morris, edited by Arthur Leslie Morton and published by L…

To Remain Silent Is Impossible

To Remain Silent Is Impossible


This new volume collects selected writings by Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman that recount their experiences while exiled …

Towards A Fresh Revolution

Towards A Fresh Revolution


The May Days in Barcelona 1937 brought the Friends of Durruti group to the fore as they fought to save the Spanish revolution…

Towards A Libertarian Socialism Reflections on the British Labour Party and European Working-Class Movements

Towards A Libertarian Socialism Reflections on the British Labour Party and European Working-Class Movements


A collection of essays from a restive, critical member of Britain’s Labour Party. From the 1920s until his death, G.D…

Towards the Abolition of Whiteness

Towards the Abolition of Whiteness


"This book collects David Roediger's essays and counts the cost of whiteness in the past and present of the US. It finds thos…

Transgender Marxism

Transgender Marxism


"Exploring trans lives and movements, the authors delve into the experience of surviving as transgender considering the total…

Trilogy of Resistance

Trilogy of Resistance


Three plays by Antonio Negri, designed to provoke debate around the fundamental questions they raise about resistance, violen…

Truth and Revolution: A History of the Soujourner Truth Organization 1969–1986

Truth and Revolution: A History of the Soujourner Truth Organization 1969–1986


 In the 1970s and 1980s, as the movements of the sixties receded from view, the revolutionary left in the United States w…

Uncommon Sense: From the Writings of Howard Zinn

Uncommon Sense: From the Writings of Howard Zinn


A collection of Howard Zinn's writings, selected and introduced by Dean Birkenkamp and Wanda Rhudy.

Under the Blows of the Counterrevolution

Under the Blows of the Counterrevolution


Nestor Makhno (1888-1934) was a peasant anarcho-communist who organised an experiment in anarchist values in practice in sout…

Urban Revolt: State Power and the Rise of People's Movements in the Global South

Urban Revolt: State Power and the Rise of People's Movements in the Global South


Edited by Trevor Ngwane, Luke Sinwell and Immanuel Ness this collection of case studies (with photos) looks at the current…

US Labor in Trouble and Transition:The Failure of Reform from Above, the Promise of Revival from Below

US Labor in Trouble and Transition:The Failure of Reform from Above, the Promise of Revival from Below


 Subtitled 'The Failure of Reform From Above, The Promise of Revival From Below' this book "tells the story of union dec…

Utopia or Bust: A Guide to the Present Crisis

Utopia or Bust: A Guide to the Present Crisis


"After the financial crash and the Great Recession, the media rediscovered Karl Marx, socialist theory, and the very idea …

Venezuela Speaks! Voices from the Grassroots

Venezuela Speaks! Voices from the Grassroots


"For the last decade, Venezuela’s “Bolivarian Revolution” has captured international attention. Poverty, inequality …

Venezuela: Revolution as Spectacle

Venezuela: Revolution as Spectacle


Both leftist supporters and rightist opponents of the Chavez government will be outraged by the book's premise that the Ch…

Vietnam: The (Last) War the U.S. Lost

Vietnam: The (Last) War the U.S. Lost


 Joe Allen examines the lessons of the Vietnam era, with relevance to the situation the United States has created in Iraq…

Voices from the Hunger Marches Volume 1

Voices from the Hunger Marches Volume 1


Personal recollections by Scottish Hunger Marchers of the 1920s and 1930s, gathered and edited by historian Ian MacDougall. …

Voices From The Hunger Marches Volume II

Voices From The Hunger Marches Volume II


Personal recollections by Scottish Hunger Marchers of the 1920s and 1930s, gathered and edited by historian Ian MacDougall. …

Voices of 1968: Documents from the Global North

Voices of 1968: Documents from the Global North


"The year 1968 witnessed one of the great upheavals of the twentieth century, as social movements shook every continent. Acro…

We Are the Crisis of Capital: A John Holloway Reader

We Are the Crisis of Capital: A John Holloway Reader


" We Are the Crisis of Capital collects articles and excerpts written by radical academic, theorist, and activist John Hol…

We Want Freedom: A Life in the Black Panther Party

We Want Freedom: A Life in the Black Panther Party


Mumia Abu Jamal, America’s most famous political prisoner, is internationally known for his radio broadcasts and books e…

We were so terribly consistent... A conversation about the history of the RAF

We were so terribly consistent... A conversation about the history of the RAF


 English translation of an interview with Stefan Wisniewski back in 1997 when he had served 20 years in maximum security,…

What Does The Ruling Class Do When It Rules?

What Does The Ruling Class Do When It Rules?


 Hmm, good question... Part of Verso's Radical Thinkers series.  Therborn, a sociologist, "analyses the intricate practices…

What Ever Happened To The Revolution?

What Ever Happened To The Revolution?


"This pamphlet describes what a revolution is, a fundamental transformation of society such that all social relationships are…

What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know About Capitalism

What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know About Capitalism


There is a growing consensus that the planet is heading toward environmental catastrophe: climate change, ocean acidificat…

What Would It Mean To Win

What Would It Mean To Win


Spined reprint of the Turbulence Collective's recent(ish) newspaper, including Move Into The Light and a foreward by John …

When Race Burns Class: Settlers Revisited

When Race Burns Class: Settlers Revisited


 An interview with Sakai plus an essay "The Continuing Appeal of Anti-Imperialism" from Balagoon.

Where is the Festival? Notes on Summits & Counter-Summits

Where is the Festival?  Notes on Summits & Counter-Summits


 Four essays translated from the Italian: Genoa is Everywhere; Vultures; Notes on Summits & Counter Summits; So That July…

Which Way Forward For The Working Class?

Which Way Forward For The Working Class?


Slightly disappointing introduction and analysis of council-communist ideas from disillusioned Trotskyists. Written by…

White Lives Matter Most - and other "little" white lies

White Lives Matter Most - and other "little" white lies


"Modern-day movements to end racism in the U.S. seem sadly doomed to fail. If more fundamental approaches to social change an…

Why a Vanguard?

Why a Vanguard?


 Alfredo Bonanno essay originally published in Italian in 1977, and here translated by Jean Weir and published by Elephan…

Why Socialist Feminism?

Why Socialist Feminism?


Collection of short introductory essays on a selection of themes: Capitalism; Intersectionality; Workplace Struggle, Reproduc…

Willing Slaves of Capital: Spinoza & Marx on Desire

Willing Slaves of Capital: Spinoza & Marx on Desire


'Why do people work for other people? This seemingly naïve question is more difficult to answer than one might at first imag…

Women and the Subversion Of the Community

Women and the Subversion Of the Community


A Mariarosa Dalla Costa Reader: a collection of her seminal work of feminist and autonomist writing. In singling out the work…

Women in the Spanish Revolution

Women in the Spanish Revolution


 Pamphlet essay of Liz Willis's essay on the part played by women in the Spanish Revolution.

Women, Witchhunts and the Reproduction of the Capitalist World: A Conversation with Silvia Federici

Women, Witchhunts and the Reproduction of the Capitalist World: A Conversation with Silvia Federici


Transcript of a 2012 conversation with Silvia Federici, about her classic book Caliban and the Witch. Lightly edited, from an…

Women's Work, Men's Property: The Origins of Gender and Class

Women's Work, Men's Property: The Origins of Gender and Class


"Women’s Work, Men’s Property brings together specialist historical and anthropological skills of a group of American an…

Words of a Rebel

Words of a Rebel


New edition of one of Peter Kropotkin's best known books, here translated and edited by Iain McKay and including a preface by…

Worker-Student Action Committees France, May '68

Worker-Student Action Committees France, May '68


Mew editoin of this title, a pocket-size format from Detritus Books. 2020. "52 years ago, in May 1968, a student protest i…

Workers in Stalin's Russia

Workers in Stalin's Russia


"For a long time republishing Berneri’s classic investigation of Russian working class and peasant life in the 1930s-40s se…

Working Class History

Working Class History


Everyday Acts of Resistance and Rebellion. "History is not made by kings, politicians, or a few rich individuals — it is…

Working-Class Politics And Anarchism

Working-Class Politics And Anarchism


Collection of articles and debates between members of the AWL (Alliance for Workers Liberty) and various anarchists includ…

World Inequality

World Inequality


A selection of articles constituting an international debate on inequality and development.

You Don't Play With Revolution: The Montreál Lectures of C.L.R. James

You Don't Play With Revolution: The Montreál Lectures of C.L.R. James


You Don’t Play With Revolution collects seven never-before-published lectures by Marxist cultural critic C.L.R. James, deli…

Your Freedom and Mine: Abdullan Öcalan and the Kurdish Question in Erdogan's Turkey

Your Freedom and Mine: Abdullan Öcalan and the Kurdish Question in Erdogan's Turkey


" A revolutionary imprisoned on an island fortress may hold the key to peace in the Middle East. From the confines of his Tur…

Zapatista! Reinventing Revolution in Mexico

Zapatista! Reinventing Revolution in Mexico


 Collection edited by John Holloway and Eloina Pelaez, this book examines the global and domestic significance of the Zap…

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