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A New Notion: Two Works by C. L. R. James

A New Notion: Two Works by C. L. R. James


"C.L.R. James was a leading figure in the independence movement in the West Indies, and the black and working-class moveme…

A New World In Our Hearts: 8 Years of Writings from the Love and Rage Revolutionary Anarchist Federation

A New World In Our Hearts: 8 Years of Writings from the Love and Rage Revolutionary Anarchist Federation


The Love and Rage Federation was perhaps the most visible revolutionary anarchist organization in North America in the las…

A Theory of Capitalist Regulation: The US Experience

A Theory of Capitalist Regulation: The US Experience


The first attempt at a rigorous historical theory of the whole development of US capitalism, from the Civil War to the Car…

Academic Repression: Reflections from the Academic Industrial Complex

Academic Repression: Reflections from the Academic Industrial Complex


Since 9/11, successive American administrations have pressured universities to hand over faculty, staff, and student work …

Accuser of Capitalism

Accuser of Capitalism


A new production of John Maclean's famous speech from the dock in Edinburgh High Court - Accuser of Capitalism. This edition …

Adventures in Marxism

Adventures in Marxism


 "Discussions of work on Marx and Marxism by Edmund Wilson, Jerrold Siegel, James Billington, Georg Lukcs, Irving Howe an…

Anarchism and Political Modernity

Anarchism and Political Modernity


"This new volume in the Contemporary Anarchist Studies series looks at the place of 'classical anarchism' in postmodern po…

Anarchism, Marxism and the Future of the Left

Anarchism, Marxism and the Future of the Left


The late Murray Bookchin was a dynamic revolutionary propagandist since the 1930s when, as a teenager, he spoke before social…

Anarchism, Marxism and the Lessons of the Commune

Anarchism, Marxism and the Lessons of the Commune


The Paris Commune is a significant influence for all revolutionary socialists, anarchists as well as Marxists. Using a Lenini…

Anarchism: Arguments For And Against

Anarchism: Arguments For And Against


Reprint of one of our old booklets (and before that, Cienfuegos Press): a small format book of a piece written by Albert Melt…

Anarchist Encounters : Russian Revolution

Anarchist Encounters : Russian Revolution


Edited by A W Zurbrugg, this collection includes newly translated pieces by Armando Borghi, Gaston Leval, Ángel Pestaña Nú…

Anarchist Perspectives in Peace and War 1900-1918

Anarchist Perspectives in Peace and War 1900-1918


"Anarchists and syndicalists were centre stage in the history of labour movements in much of 'Latin' Europe and in most of La…

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