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"Whether physical or metaphorical, institutional or interpersonal, violence is everywhere. A seemingly immutable fact of life…
"Histories of the US sixties invariably focus on New York City, but Los Angeles was an epicenter of that decade’s political…
Two essays: "Further Materials Toward a Theory of the Man-Child", Moira Weigel and Mal Ahern's scathing (and humorous) critiq…
"In May and June 1919, more than 30,000 workers walked off the job in Winnipeg, Manitoba. They struck for a variety of reason…
"Harry Cleaver's treatise outlines and critiques Marx's analysis chapter by chapter. His unique interpretation of Marx's labo…
"Combing exhaustive demographic inquiry with incisive social and political analysis, the authors record the successive pha…
'Alexander Cockburn was without question one of the most gifted journalists of his generation. He never pulled his punches…
A4 sized graphic depiction of Bakunin's argument against state socialism, based on a somewhat editied version of an essay …
"For too long feminism has been co-opted by the forces they seek to dismantle. In this powerful manifesto, Francoise Verges a…
Pocket book sized writing from Brian Morris, "delving into the philosophy and action of anarchist communism as part of his de…
"Written some thirty-five years after the May “events,” this short book poses the question of what kind of world we are g…
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