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Magazines & Newspapers

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Stormy Petrel Issue 5

Stormy Petrel Issue 5


The magazine of the Anarchist Communist Group (ACG).  This issue 5, out June 2023. Against the Dark Trinity of Capitalism…

Stormy Petrel: Theoretical Journal of the Anarchist Communist Group #2

Stormy Petrel: Theoretical Journal of the Anarchist Communist Group #2


Issue 2, out for winter 2020.  This is the renamed journal (it was Virus) of the Anarchist Communist Group (ACG).  Class st…

The Blast

The Blast


Complete Collection of the Incendiary San Francisco Bi-monthly Anarchist Newspaper from 1916-1917 that Gave Voice to the W…

The Land # 3 - Spring 2007

The Land # 3 - Spring 2007


An occasional magazine about land rights, incorporating The Land Is Ours and Chapter 7 News. This issue includes artic…

The Rag #5

The Rag #5


Penultimate issue of this Irish anarcha-feminist magazine.  Long list of articles: burlesque; creative protest; death and…

Touch of Class

Touch of Class


Longer articles around a theme of gentrification: Return of the Yuppies; The Red Army Faction; What's Wrong With Wetherspo…

Virus Magazine Issue #1

Virus Magazine Issue #1


First issue of ACG theoretical magazine Virus: In The Body Politic. 56 pages with articles on : Beyond XR: The Limits of Exti…

What Are You Going To Do About It?

What Are You Going To Do About It?


An old broadside from the Chicago Surrealist Group, including an international surrealist declaration on the 'Columbus Quince…

Workers' Scud

Workers' Scud


A4 pamphlet of articles against the first Gulf War, compiled in June 1991.

Working Class Resistance #10

Working Class Resistance #10


Newest edition of this regular magazine from Ireland. Main articles on the London bombings, a critique of G8/summit protes…

Working Class Resistance #11

Working Class Resistance #11


1st quarter of 2006 edition of this anarchist magazine from Ireland - top stories on recent Irish Ferry strikes, posties, …

Working Class Resistance #9

Working Class Resistance #9


Issue 9: main articles on Education, Asylum Seekers, May Day, Death of the Pope.

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