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Law & (Dis)Order

Law & (Dis)Order
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19 and 20: Notes for a New Insurrection (Updated 20th Anniversary Edition)

 19 and 20: Notes for a New Insurrection (Updated 20th Anniversary Edition)


19 and 20 tells the story of one of the most popular uprising against neoliberalism: on December 19th and 20th, 2001, amidst …

Buzz Kill: The Corporatization of Cannabis

 Buzz Kill: The Corporatization of Cannabis


"Cronyism, greed, and corruption trumped social justice and public health in Canada’s legalization of cannabis. How did we …

De-Convicted: The convicts who got a second chance

 De-Convicted: The convicts who got a second chance


This pamphlet analyses British penology by focussing on three case studies, spread across two centuries, all with Bristol con…

Look Inside Conversations on Violence An Anthology

 Look Inside Conversations on Violence An Anthology


"Whether physical or metaphorical, institutional or interpersonal, violence is everywhere. A seemingly immutable fact of life…

Luigi Galleani The Most Dangerous Anarchist in America

 Luigi Galleani The Most Dangerous Anarchist in America


Born in Vercelli in 1861, Luigi Galleani is considered, with Errico Malatesta, the most influential militant of Italian-speak…

Police: A Field Guide (2022)

 Police: A Field Guide (2022)


"This book armed activists on the streets—as well as the many who have become concerned about police abuse—with a critica…

Seizing Freedom: Slave Emancipation and Liberty for All

 Seizing Freedom: Slave Emancipation and Liberty for All


"Forceful and detailed account of the struggle for “freedom” after the American Civil War How did America recover af…

Set the Night on Fire: L.A. in the Sixties

 Set the Night on Fire: L.A. in the Sixties


"Histories of the US sixties invariably focus on New York City, but Los Angeles was an epicenter of that decade’s political…

Steps Against War Resistance to World War 1 in Bedminster

 Steps Against War Resistance to World War 1 in Bedminster


"In World War 1 there were at least 40 conscientious objectors in Bedminster, as well as others who resisted the war and cons…

We Want Everything: A Novel

 We Want Everything: A Novel


"It was the Autumn of 1969, and Italy exploded. Across the north of the country, factory workers stormed out on strike, deman…

Work and the Carceral State Look Inside Work and the Carceral State

 Work and the Carceral State Look Inside Work and the Carceral State


"During 2019-20 in England and Wales, over 17 million hours of labour were carried out by more than 12,500 people incarcerate…

...they will never get us all !

...they will never get us all !


Poetry and writing by prisoner Harold H Thompson. Inspirational pamphlet printed for the benefit of the Anarchist Black Cr…

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