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Everlasting War

Everlasting War
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Look Inside Conversations on Violence An Anthology

 Look Inside Conversations on Violence An Anthology


"Whether physical or metaphorical, institutional or interpersonal, violence is everywhere. A seemingly immutable fact of life…

Police: A Field Guide (2022)

 Police: A Field Guide (2022)


"This book armed activists on the streets—as well as the many who have become concerned about police abuse—with a critica…

Steps Against War Resistance to World War 1 in Bedminster

 Steps Against War Resistance to World War 1 in Bedminster


"In World War 1 there were at least 40 conscientious objectors in Bedminster, as well as others who resisted the war and cons…

'Race War': Black American GIs in Bristol and Gloucestershire During World War II

'Race War': Black American GIs in Bristol and Gloucestershire During World War II


5.0 average, based on 1 reviews

"America's entry into World War I immediately served to highlight the issue of race relations and the contradictions between …

'We Will Rise Again': Ireland, Scotland and the Easter Rising

'We Will Rise Again': Ireland, Scotland and the Easter Rising


This book is the first detailed account of the Glasgow-based members of the Irish Volunteers, who crossed from Scotland to Ir…

1917: Revolution in Russia and its Aftermath

1917: Revolution in Russia and its Aftermath


"In the Russian Revolution's centenary year Black Rose Books presents a collection of three books by Emma Goldman, Alexander …

2/15 The Day The World Said NO To War

2/15 The Day The World Said NO To War


On February 15th the world witnessed, and participated in, the greatest global peace protest ever. This full-color book ca…

500 Years of Indigenous Resistance

500 Years of Indigenous Resistance


Reprint of a 1992 essay originally published in the revolutionary Indigenous newspaper Oh-Toh-Kin. It is a historical chronol…

9-11: Was there an Alternative?

9-11: Was there an Alternative?


"In 9-11, published in November 2001 and arguably the single most influential post-9/11 book, internationally renowned thi…

A Bush & Botox World

A Bush & Botox World


With a foreword by Gore Vidal, Saul Landau provides insight into the culture under which the Bush White House operated. It us…

A Civil War: A History of the Italian Resistance

A Civil War: A History of the Italian Resistance


"A Civil War is a history of the wartime Italian Resistance, recounted by a historian who, as a young man, took part in the s…

A Nation Unmade By War

A Nation Unmade By War


'Starting with the election from hell, A Nation Unmade by War surveys American exceptionalism in the age of absurdity. As …

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