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Deep Care The Radical Activists Who Provided Abortions, Defied the Law, and Fought to Keep Clinics Open


Manufacturer: AK Press

Product Information

The story of the radical feminists (in America) who worked outside the law to defend abortion. 

Starting in the 1970s, small groups of feminist activists met regularly to study anatomy, practice pelvic exams on each other, and learn how to safely perform a procedure known as menstrual extraction, which can end a pregnancy, using equipment easily bought and assembled at home. This “self-help” movement grew into a robust national and international collaboration of activists determined to ensure access to reproductive healthcare, including abortion, at all costs—to the point of learning how to do the necessary steps themselves.  

Even after abortion was legalized in 1973 with Roe v. Wade, activists continued meeting, studying, and teaching these skills, reshaping their strategies alongside decades of changing legal, medical, and cultural landscapes such as the legislative war against abortion rights, the AIDS epidemic, and the rise of anti-abortion domestic terrorism in the 1980s and 1990s. From the self-help movement sprang a constellation of licensed feminist clinics, community programs to promote reproductive health, even the nation’s first known-donor sperm bank, all while fighting the oppression of racism, poverty, and gender violence. The movement’s drive to keep abortion accessible also led to the first clinic defense mobilizations against anti-abortion extremists trying to force providers to close their doors.

Deep Care follows generations of activists and health workers who orbited the Women’s Choice Clinic in Oakland from the early 1970s until 2010, as they worked underground and above ground, in small cells and broad coalitions and across political movements with grit, conviction, and allegiances of great trust to do what they believed needed to be done—despite the law, when required. Grounded in interviews with activists sharing details of their work for the first time, Angela Hume reveals this critical, under-recognized story of the radical edge of the abortion movement. These lessons are more pertinent than ever following the Supreme Court’s 2022 Dobbs v. Jackson decision and the devastation to abortion access nationwide.

Praise for Deep Care:

"[A] work of astonishing historical record." —Adrian Horton, The Guardian

"Hume intricately connects the fight for autonomy to the misogyny, racism and poverty that fueled activists at that time — and that may once again in the post-Dobbs era."—Karla J. Strand, Ms. Magazine

"There are so many things I love about [this] book...It's a queer book and it's a sex book! It's a book that contains a lot of sex and sexuality and queerness, all these things that are conspicously absent from most conversations about abortion in this country."—Amelia Bonow, Co-founder and Executive Director, Shout Your Abortion

"[A] very important read...Hume's book demands that we find ways to fiercely assert principles of care and solidarity as core to our movements as we accelerate the struggle for sovereingty, self-determination and liberation around the world."—Diana Block, Counterpunch

"A gem of a book." —Cat Brooks, Law & Disorder

“This book is rich in feminist history, which tells history that hardly anyone knows...[It] has so much to teach us about how we can fight to make abortion once again legal and available in all 50 states.”—Kate Raphael, Women's Magazine

"Hume reveals a fascinating history and a collection of moving personal stories at a time when reproductive rights are more uncertain than they've been in the past 50 years."Booklist

"A vibrant account of the largely underground history of women's abortion clinics in the San Francisco Bay Area...[A] revelatory new perspective on the fight for women's bodily autonomy."Publisher's Weekly, starred review

“This is a fearless and necessary work of history keyed to the dangerous days we live in. Deep Care draws on the deep wisdom of those who have been long in the struggle to defend bodily autonomy and radical self-determination. To transmit that knowledge across the generations is itself an act of revolution. Read this book—but more importantly, use this book. We all need to be down for the cause, more deeply now than ever.”—Susan Stryker, author of Transgender History: The Roots of Today’s Revolution

“An important record of the secret history of how an eclectic gathering of women poets, musicians, community-based health care workers, grassroots activists, and visionary volunteers created underground abortion service provision in Oakland and fought to defend clinics as Roe v. Wade was won and then eroded. Reminds and inspires us to see the treasure of creative collective solutions.”—Sarah Schulman, author of Let the Record Show: A Political History of ACT UP New York, 1987–1993

“A well-researched historical book documenting that women will do whatever is necessary—legally or illegally—to control their bodies. A much-needed deep examination of the intersections of white supremacy, misogyny, and class not often offered in books about abortion politics … Certainly worth the read and should be taught in every Gender and Women's Studies course.”—Loretta Ross, co-founder of SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective and MacArthur Fellow

Deep Care is a passionately researched, intimate look at the real work feminists did on the ground to create a standard of health care for people who need abortions. I felt so tremendously inspired learning about these grassroots champions and so grateful for both their dedication and for Angela Hume’s telling of their story.”—Michelle Tea, author of Knocking Myself Up: A Memoir of My (In)fertility

“Providing a roadmap and a radical vision, Angela Hume’s Deep Care holds up the truest meanings of bodily sovereignty and community self-reliance, crucial concepts as we face the consequences of recent Supreme Court decisions and the fact that Roe v. Wade was never enough.”—Rickie Solinger, co-author of Reproductive Justice: An Introduction and co-editor of Fighting Mad: Resisting the End of Roe v. Wade

Angela Hume is a feminist historian, critic, and poet. She is the author of two poetry books, Interventions for Women(2021) and Middle Time (2016), and co-editor of the book Ecopoetics: Essays in the Field(2018). She teaches writing at University of California, Berkeley.

Product Code: 9781849355261

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