Issue #15 of Daticide: The Magazine for Noise & Politics. Contents list below, as ever a wide range of culture and politics represented.
Features: Towards a New African Fascism; Multiculturalism, Immunisation and Rhythm: Interview with Alexej Ulbricht; Last Survivors or First Mutants: Notes on Surplus Population; A Deadly Mediterranean: Technical Trials of Modern Warfare; Sincere Genesis: On Félix Guattari and Groups; Interview with Osha Neumann; Marketisation of Mass Education in England: A Brief History; A Cry Against Help & 13 Protheses on Carelessness of the Self. Book Reviews: ‘These Days are not to be Missed’: 1990s Rave and Club Culture in Fiction; Peter Sedgwick: Psycho Politics – Laing, Foucault, Goffman, Szasz and the Future of Mass Psychiatry; Marcel Bois: Kommunisten gegen Hitler und Stalin. Die linke Opposition der KPD in der Weimarer Republik – Eine Gesamtdarstellung. Fiction: Pigeon. Music: Fluxus and DIY Concerts; Datacide Activities Since the Last Issue. News: Endless War; Infiltration and Agent Provocateurs; Surveillance, Control and Repression; Neo-Nazis, the National Socialist Underground and the State; Why Do Refugees Want To Go To England? Plus: Record Reviews, Charts, Comics and Illustrations.
Product Code: DATOOQGX94