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AK Press - Frontlist

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Eclipse of Dreams: The Undocumented-Led Struggle For Freedom

Eclipse of Dreams: The Undocumented-Led Struggle For Freedom


After the DREAM Act failed, many young undocumented activists understood that pinning their hopes on a piece of legislation h…

Fat, Pretty, and Soon To Be Old

Fat, Pretty, and Soon To Be Old


Fat, Pretty, and Soon to be Old is a moving, funny, and startlingly frank collection of personal essays about what it means t…

Feminisms In Motion: Voices For Justice, Liberation and Transformation

Feminisms In Motion: Voices For Justice, Liberation and Transformation


"This wide-ranging collection of extraordinary writings—drawn from a decade of the important work of make/shift magazine to…

For Workers' Power: The Selected Writings of Maurice Brinton

For Workers' Power: The Selected Writings of Maurice Brinton


“An eloquent testimony to Maurice Brinton’s life and works ... The work he started and the vision he held are as va…

Gang Politics: Revolution, Repression, and Crime

Gang Politics: Revolution, Repression, and Crime


In Gang Politics, Kristian Williams examines our society’s understanding of social and political violence, what gets roman…

I Am Action: Literary and Combat Articles, Thoughts, and Revolutionary Chronicles

I Am Action: Literary and Combat Articles, Thoughts, and Revolutionary Chronicles


“Without vacillation, I can say that Praxedis was the most pure, most intelligent, and most selfless man—the bravest when…

I'll Forget It When I Die: The Bisbee Deportation of 1917

I'll Forget It When I Die: The Bisbee Deportation of 1917


Did you ever hear the story about 1,186 men kidnapped in Arizona and dumped in a desert 200 miles away? On July 12, …

Insurrection The Bloody Events of May 1937 in Barcelona

Insurrection The Bloody Events of May 1937 in Barcelona


In May, 1937, one of the most advanced revolutions in modern history was defeated. In Insurrection, Agustín Guillamón…

Intersectional Class Struggle: Theory and Practice

Intersectional Class Struggle: Theory and Practice


This innovative study explores the relevance of class as a theoretical category in our world today, arguing that leading trad…




This is the fifth book in the Black Dawn Series.   On a mysterious green planet renewed by fire, vibrant collectiv…

JesusDevil: The Parables

JesusDevil: The Parables


A brilliantly crafted voyage of queer, Black possibility. “[Alexis] said that what she was currently writing was c…

Lessons in Liberation: An Abolitionist Toolkit for Educators

Lessons in Liberation: An Abolitionist Toolkit for Educators


A political vision for a future ripe with alternatives to imprisonment and punishment. “Lessons in Liberatio…

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